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Eva Chen

Artista (Pintura)
Nacido en 1993
Sigue creyendo incluso cuando tu fe sea probada. creer es la raíz de los milagros.

Eva Chen is a fine art oil/acrylic painter from Taiwan. She graduated from the University of CTU with a bachelor of Commercial Design in 2015. After that she left Taiwan and moved to Australia for 6 years, fell in love & decided to stay.

In 2019 when she realized art has always been that special place for her, that's when she started to pursue this dream. She has since sold her original artworks to collectors all over the world, including USA, Canada, Europe. In 2022 her and her husband moved to New Zealand for good.


she is lucky enough to fulfill her passion for oil painting. she loves to paint different subjects and works towards exploring self-expression in different styles. Please enjoy her paintings as much as she does.

Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Eva Chen, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas contemporáneos de nueva zelanda. Dominios artísticos: Pintura. Tipo de cuenta: Artista , miembro desde el 2023 (País de origen Nueva Zelanda). Compre los últimos trabajos de Eva Chen en Artmajeur: Eva Chen: Descubre impresionantes obras del artista contemporáneo. Explorar obras de arte, comprar obras originales o impresiones de alto nivel.

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