Variations of Light opus 5 #2/3 (2021) Fotografia autorstwa Éric Petr

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Sprzedawca Éric Petr

🔶 Currently on display in national museums abroad until January 2025 🔶 Title: [Variations of Light opus 5] triptyk_2o21 Print: Limited Edition #2 on 3 original prints (+1 Artist Proof) Printed size of the image: 30x45cm (x3 pictures) Canson Fine Art Photographique Baryta FineArt 310g Soft black american[...]
🔶 Currently on display in national museums abroad until January 2025 🔶

Title: [Variations of Light opus 5] triptyk_2o21

Print: Limited Edition #2 on 3 original prints (+1 Artist Proof)
Printed size of the image: 30x45cm (x3 pictures)
Canson Fine Art Photographique Baryta FineArt 310g
Soft black american framed box
Size of the frame: 35x50cm (x3 frames) without glass

My "Variations of Light" are an interrogation on life and its close link to light.

Light fascinates me with the duality of its state, both wave and corpuscular, but also for everything that makes it, our perception of the world.

My "Variations of light" classified by opus, decline images which are born from the observation of the world and which reveal, a posteriori, the gap of perception between the photographed reality and the photographic recording.

It is this gap between our observation and our perception of the universe that I like to develop through the image to highlight our myopia of which we are victims when we perceive our near or distant environment. But is it not this which makes Being in its multiple character?

The medium of photography is particularly suitable for this study since the photons which strike my negative, themselves materialized by impact points, describe during the shooting phase, the corpuscular character of the light. But this matter, used as a plastic tool, then comes to underline the undulatory character of the light when one notes that these impacts on the negative have become an oscillation on the paper. It borns then a photographic writing which was captured by the observation of a point of the universe recorded at a moment T of its expansion.

Light also fascinates me in that it succeeds a state of amalgamation of undifferentiated, chaotic and invisible matter. A state of nothingness which is characterized for our eye by the color black and which could be an allusion to the quantum vacuum or to the black holes of the universe.

This nothingness, characterized by the iridescence and the density of an evanescent matter emerging from my photographic blacks, is for me the invisible memory which swarms, like a latent energy, in space-time, in a way the alphabet of cosmos, the one from which suddenly the cosmic writing is born in my photography.

Moreover, how can we not use the term “photography” as well as my photographic writing if we know that the word “photography” is nothing other than “writing”, writing and “photo”, photon ( in Greek, meaning "light") but also, elementary particle (quantum or boson) of light.

! Your attention !

Colors may look different depending on the monitor.
The color of the printed photographic work may slightly differ from that of the online image.
Be careful when you unpacking the photo as the photograph is very fragile and sensible during manipulations.
Please never touch the photograph's surface with your bare hands.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Éric Petr jest artystą fotografem, dla którego światło jest symbolem życia, a czas jego wiecznym odnawianiem. Kiedy chwyta światło, aby zapisać swoją obecność w negatywie, tajemnice zawartego w nim[...]

Éric Petr jest artystą fotografem, dla którego światło jest symbolem życia, a czas jego wiecznym odnawianiem. Kiedy chwyta światło, aby zapisać swoją obecność w negatywie, tajemnice zawartego w nim materiału opowiadają niebiańskie historie.

Jego fotografia to dialog między niebem a człowiekiem. To refleksja nad istotą światła. Jest to wariacja na temat „związków niepewności” Wernera Heisenberga, która kwestionuje, czy teoria obserwacji wszechświata nałożyłaby pewne ograniczenia na nasze postrzeganie rzeczywistości. Pokazuje kruchość i piękno życia.

Éric Petr jest artystą samoukiem mieszkającym i pracującym w Marsylii (Francja). Brał udział w licznych wystawach: Ringoya Gallery Tokyo w Japonii (2017 i 2019), 1905 Gallery Shenyang, w Chinach w 2019…. Jego zdjęcia były tematem licznych publikacji: L'oeil de la photographie w 2017, Nuit Radieuse z Canoline Critiks w 2021...

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