How do I send my article to the magazine's editorial team (print version)?

When you order an artist insert, a page, or an article in the Artmajeur art magazine, you must then follow a specific procedure to send the elements to the editorial team and plan the publication, respecting the deadlines of the printing.

Insert Artist

After your order, a space is available on your account, to allow you to provide your text, image and link. Use the MY ACCOUNT section to upload your items, and follow the instructions. Once you have provided your assets, the editorial team will send you a visual of the insert before publication

Pages / Half-page / Double-page

The editorial team will contact you by email and give you all the specifications to provide your elements, for your publication. A version of the visual will be sent to you in PDF format for validation before publication.


Interview questions will be emailed to you; In some cases, someone from the team will be able to contact you by phone to allow you to provide other elements, or to deepen certain aspects.

Can I provide an article already written and formatted?

No. For reasons of quality and consistency, the magazine's editorial line must be controlled and cannot change for a particular article. You can provide the desired elements (texts / images) and our team will offer you a print model that you will have to validate. You will also be able to request modifications (to a certain extent), indeed we want you to be fully satisfied with your publication!

Is there a deadline for submitting my article?

Yes, be sure to provide all of your assets in time for the scheduled release! The deadline for the next issue is posted on the magazine page.

  • Closing date Spring issue : March 5
  • Closing date Summer issue: June 5
  • Closing date Autumn issue: September 5
  • Closing date Winter issue: December 5
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