What are private accounts and Private collections (favorite collections)?

What type of visitors come to Artmajeur?

Each month, Artmajeur receives more that 1 million visitors. 95% of visitors are clients and collectors. 5% are artists or sellers (art galeries, agents etc...).

  • Artists and sellers use public account to present and sell artworks. 
  • Collectors and clients use private account to browse, collect and buy artworks.

Why do collectors use private accounts?

When collectors register on Artmajeur, their account is created automatically as a private account.

Collectors selling artworks must make their profile public, but most of the collectors browsing, collecting and buying artworks have nothing to display or sell, so they have no willing to have a public profile, and they use a private account.

It is completely normal: for privacy reasons, collectors do not wish to share their personal data or activity, unless it is required.

Private favorite collections

A public account can have Favorite collections both public and private, however, all favorite collections from a private account can only be private. For this reason, most collectors's favorite collections are private, since they have a private account.

Some collectors choose to make their profile public when they want to sell artworks, or when they want to share their favorite collection with their friends, or with other art lovers.

How can I know who is collecting my artworks?

If the collectors have a private account, you can not know their identity. Keep in mind that collecting an artwork is only a more convenient way of saving the artwork's page link in their browser: all information is already public.

What is the use of knowing that my artwork is favorited if I can not know the identity of the collector?

It is very useful! It s a strong indication of your most popular artwork. You can use it to know what type to work customers browsing your gallery are interested in. 

Also, keep in mind that due to privacy laws worldwide, it is increasingly complex to store personal data and activity.

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