Sell as an individual or collector: Can I sell works by other artists, or works by famous artists?

Sell as an individual, collector or resseler

If you are a collector, or a reseller, you can sell the works of other artists or famous artists on Artmajeur.

To sell the works of other artists, or famous artists, you will need to provide the following supporting documents:

  • Purchase invoice or Proof of purchase
  • Certificate of authenticity
  • Origin of ownership

If you do not have the certificate of authenticity, you must obtain a certificate from an expert to prove that the artwork is an original.

Works that do not have a purchase invoice or a certificate of authenticity will be presented with the title "Unknown Artist".

At the moment, we only accept sellers of the following types: Art Galleries, Artist associations, Artist collectives, and Art Agents. We will shortly open the sales to other types of sellers like individual sellers.

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