BENOIT PONSOLLE: from origami to scalpel

BENOIT PONSOLLE: from origami to scalpel

Nicolas Sarazin | Sep 19, 2019 1 minutes read 1 comment

I have always had this passion for paper. I remember my passion for origami in my childhood. As I grew older it evolved a bit. I used to have fun creating paper creations with a scalpel during some boring lessons.

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You have an atypical background. What made you become an artist ?

After my secondary school graduation in Science, I wanted to become an architect, but for financial reasons, I could not continue my studies. I started to make creations first out of passion, then I had the idea to show them and the success was immediate with several sales.


Why are you working on this little-used material that is paper?

I've had this passion for paper all my life. I remember my passion for origami as a child. When I grew up, it evolved. One of the things I had fun doing was carving paper with a scalpel during some boring classes.


How do you design a work ?

I always start from sketches I've made before. I start from the global form I want to create, then I'll work on the cut and the color. My work being very thorough, any mistake is fatal. There's no eraser to erase a cross-cut scalpel ! When I start a new work, I am so focused on the result, that I work there continuously, even if I have to spend a whole night there.

Precision and gesture are very important in my work. They have significantly improved over the years.



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