The Fateful Holidays: Rosh ha-Shana (2023) 绘画 由 Elena Kotliarker


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最大分辨率: 5294 x 10000 px

Elena Kotliarker 出售

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 绘画, 丙烯 在帆布上
  • 外形尺寸 高度 50.4in, 宽度 24.8in
  • 艺术品状况 艺术品完好无损
  • 是否含画框 此作品未装裱
  • 分类 画作 低于US$5,000 形象艺术 宗教
As an artist who has created a four painting composition titled "Jewish Holidays," I am excited to share with you another painting from this collection, dedicated to the Jewish holiday of Rosh ha-Shana. This particular painting is a visual representation of the rich symbolism and meaning behind Rosh ha-Shana, combining natural elements with[...]
As an artist who has created a four painting composition titled "Jewish Holidays," I am excited to share with you another painting from this collection, dedicated to the Jewish holiday of Rosh ha-Shana. This particular painting is a visual representation of the rich symbolism and meaning behind Rosh ha-Shana, combining natural elements with traditional Jewish symbols to create a cohesive representation of the holiday.

The upper half of the painting depicts a couple of peacocks under a huge branch of the orange tree, with flowers flying around them. This represents the beauty and abundance of nature, which is celebrated during the Rosh ha-Shana holiday. The peacocks are a symbol of grace and beauty, while the orange tree represents the sweetness and richness of life.

Below, you can see a Jew wearing a tallit blowing a horn. This represents the tradition of blowing the shofar, which is an essential part of the Rosh ha-Shana holiday. The shofar is blown to signal the start of the new year and to call the Jewish people to repentance and reflection. To the left of the man, a goblet of wine and a festive challah can be seen next to two burning candles, symbolizing the holiday meal and celebration.

The bottom part of the painting is full of exotic flowers and bold pomegranates. The flowers represent the beauty and abundance of nature, while the pomegranates symbolize fertility, abundance, and the many blessings of the new year. Together, they represent the hope and promise of a new beginning and the blessings that the new year will bring.

Overall, this painting is a powerful representation of the natural and spiritual elements that make up the Rosh ha-Shana holiday. It combines the image of the peacocks and the orange tree with the tradition of blowing the shofar and the celebration of the holiday meal. Through this combination of elements, the painting captures the essence of the Rosh ha-Shana holiday and its importance in Jewish history and tradition.

In conclusion, this painting is one part of a four painting composition titled "Jewish Holidays," and it represents the holiday of Rosh ha-Shana. It is a visual representation of the rich symbolism and meaning behind the holiday, combining natural elements with traditional Jewish symbols to create a cohesive representation of Rosh ha-Shana. I hope that this description has given you a deeper understanding and appreciation of my artwork and the holiday that it represents.


AngelAngelsSpiritJewish LifeJudaica

埃琳娜·科特利亚克(Elena Kotliarker)非常成功地创造了非常强烈和充满活力的结构,包括各种各样的符号,无论是比喻的还是抽象的,使用复杂而复杂的技术和色彩相关性。 她的作品以彩虹般的色彩为特征,从最精致的粉彩到最明亮的表现主义色彩。她的艺术邀请人们进入一个最迷人的世界,其中有童话般的猫、丝绸上的奇花异草,以及从墙上望去的海洋生物。她的壁画为学习、工作、娱乐和休息创造了原始的空间和氛围。[...]

埃琳娜·科特利亚克(Elena Kotliarker)非常成功地创造了非常强烈和充满活力的结构,包括各种各样的符号,无论是比喻的还是抽象的,使用复杂而复杂的技术和色彩相关性。

她的作品以彩虹般的色彩为特征,从最精致的粉彩到最明亮的表现主义色彩。她的艺术邀请人们进入一个最迷人的世界,其中有童话般的猫、丝绸上的奇花异草,以及从墙上望去的海洋生物。她的壁画为学习、工作、娱乐和休息创造了原始的空间和氛围。 Elena 的轻松和善良的能量让您感到鼓舞,这让这个世界变得更加愉快。看看,你会希望和埃琳娜一起做梦!

Elena Kotliarker 1969 年出生于乌克兰基辅。自 1996 年以来,她住在以色列。她对绘画的热情可以追溯到童年时期。 Elena 在艺术工作室完成了她的学业,该工作室隶属于乌克兰基辅的 Mikola House 画廊。在那个工作室教书之后。 Elena 是国际公认的专业犹太艺术家,她的数百件作品销往世界各地,从美国和加拿大到欧洲、澳大利亚和亚洲。大约 800 件 Lena 的原创艺术品和手工装饰的版画可以在许多国家的私人收藏中找到。

查看更多的Elena Kotliarker

丙烯在帆布上 | 19.7x19.7 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 38x27 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 11.8x11.8 in

