The Unseen World (2017) 描画 Edwin Loftus によって

紙のパステル, 8x6 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Edwin Loftus
お客様のレビュー (65)
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Edwin Loftus



最大解像度: 2299 x 3481 px

販売者 Edwin Loftus

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 紙の パステル
  • 寸法 12x10 in
    フレーミングなしの作品のみの寸法: 高さ 8in, 幅 6in
  • フレーミング この作品は額装されている (フレーム+アンダーグラス)
  • カテゴリ 図面 $1,000未満 実例 ファンタジー
As in most of my works, there is more than just a fantasy of pixies in this, but that is much less obvious. Beneath mushrooms with faces, a male Fairy and a female Fairy share a pleasant moment. It is a typical day in a miniature world below our normal level of focus. This is part of my exploration/exposition of, "The Unseen World",[...]
As in most of my works, there is more than just a fantasy of pixies in this, but that is much less obvious. Beneath mushrooms with faces, a male Fairy and a female Fairy share a pleasant moment. It is a typical day in a miniature world below our normal level of focus.

This is part of my exploration/exposition of, "The Unseen World", in which I propose that we are very far from understanding, as a civilization, what the heck is really going on in this existence. A slap-in-the-face to those who worship in the mystical realm of the Pseudo-scientific, not recognizing that real scientific method can't determine as much as they think.

Take man-made-global-warming, (or "climate change"), after their first sets of "scientific predictions" proved false and founded on fake data. The best that can scientifically be said is that it is a theory of what might be happening as we experience the continuation of a cycle of global warming that began about two to four hundred years ago, (unless you look at the greater trend in which it began more than ten thousand years ago with the end of the Latest Great Ice Age).
Scientific Method requires .... an open forum in which competing and contradictory factors and theories are considered objectively. Not only has that not happened, dissenters from AGW theory have been actively suppressed. Scientific Method requires .... independent reproduction of the same results, using the same level of controls. That has not happened and probably cannot, because the real atmosphere is not something you can isolate and control. All of the factors in climate change are not yet known and any series of experiments on climate change would require at least decades to perform, if they could be performed, in which the climatological factors remained accounted for and virtually the same. (I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of the claim that this is, "settled science". It is not.) It is bits of real scientific study in which results contrary to the theory being sold are tossed aside and only those that reinforce the theory are kept.
As an example; A University of Washington study of glacially fed lakes noted an increase in the rate of siltification, "confirming man-made-global-warming theory." Except that the increased rate began over 300 years ago, before humanity's rapid growth and production of air-born carbon increase. In other words, the study actually weighed against AGW, (Anthropogenic Global Warming), but that's not what the propaganda mills reported. Things like "consensus of scientists" and "peer reviewed" have nothing to do with scientific method and are actually a contradiction of it.
There is too much to review to encapsulate here. But this is the rub. If atmospheric warming/instability were caused by human carbon emissions, then drastic cut-backs would be needed and it would be insane not to pursue them. But, if these changes are naturally occurring, as most theory critics suggest, then destroying the global energy resource economy ensures that the world will be weak and unprepared to deal with these changes as they develop. Instead of saving hundreds of millions of lives, anti-carbon crusades are going to take hundreds of millions of lives because economies too weakened by carbon austerity measures won't have the resources to house and feed populations or fight pandemics.
Right now, some of the biggest and most powerful and wealthy nations in the world are pumping oil, producing natural gas and digging for coal. Are their leaders all insane? Or do they know something their philosophical counterparts in other nations aren't telling you?
This international misuse of "science" isn't even new. If your historians aren't corrupt, ask them about Comparative Physiology and its effects on the intelligencia of the 19th Century. Or about the "Science of Eugenics." Or dozens of less impactful fads in pseudo-science.

Even a pair of Fairies lounging under mushrooms has implications in the world we live in that you wouldn't imagine unless you deliberately set out to understand them. This kind of art is and always has been, more than pictures for children.



エドウィン・ロフタスは、1951年生まれのアメリカ人の画家兼製図技師です。彼の芸術への関心は、想像力からではなく現実のものを描くことを決意した4歳のときに始まりました。 子供の頃、彼は絵を描くことに長けていて、10代の頃から油絵の実験を始めました。大学では、芸術と美術史のコースを受講し、真の芸術はドローイングや絵画の品質とは関係がないが、限界を押し広げて視覚体験を拡大するという野心が必要であることに気づきました。 彼はまた、哲学、心理学、歴史を研究し、それがエリート主義産業と報酬システムを擁護しようとしている単なる別の芸術施設であることにすぐに気づきました。彼らのスキルはほとんど存在せず、心理学、知覚、刺激反応について何も知りませんでした。そして、共産主義、ファシズム、その他の全体主義を世界の破壊的な力にした信念体系の延長でした。彼らは文字通り、芸術は普通の人間が利用できるべきではなく、それを理解するのに十分な「洗練された」エリートだけが利用できるべきだと信じています。 エドウィン・ロフタスは、芸術の皇帝には服がないことに気づきましたが、それでも彼らは皇帝でした。彼は芸術の才能があり、このスキルを習得するために一生懸命働いた。それで彼は生計を立てるための他の方法を見つけて、時々いくつかのアートワークを売りました。[...]




エドウィン・ロフタスは、芸術の皇帝には服がないことに気づきましたが、それでも彼らは皇帝でした。彼は芸術の才能があり、このスキルを習得するために一生懸命働いた。それで彼は生計を立てるための他の方法を見つけて、時々いくつかのアートワークを売りました。 60年間、多くの人々が彼の作品を楽しみ、何人かはそれらを集めました。


Edwin Loftusからもっと見る

合成ボードのオイル | 22.8x17.5 in
合成ボードのオイル | 15.5x19.3 in
合成ボードのオイル | 15.5x19.5 in
合成ボードのオイル | 15.5x19.3 in

