knar_2017(_soil paintings) (2017) 絵画 Dojoong Jo によって

キャンバスの顔料, 21x17.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
Dojoong Jo が販売
発送元: 韓国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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最大解像度: 3635 x 4222 px

Dojoong Jo が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの 顔料
  • 寸法 高さ 21in, 幅 17.9in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 抽象芸術
Knots are scars of trees. Knots are formed for healing when a tree becomes sick. The base of a branch embedded in the body of a tree. A metaphor for'hard flesh'. A metaphor for the feelings in the heart. The painter drew life and hope following wounds and healing. Sometimes realistic images are drawn[...]
Knots are scars of trees.
Knots are formed for healing when a tree becomes sick.
The base of a branch embedded in the body of a tree.
A metaphor for'hard flesh'.
A metaphor for the feelings in the heart.

The painter drew life and hope following wounds and healing.
Sometimes realistic images are drawn and sometimes abstract images.
They are shapes that could not be seen in the world.

The painter is the first painter in the world to classify the soil into hundreds of colors.
This work was painted 100% earth.
Can you believe it? That soil has a variety of colors like that?
The soil is warm and cozy.
It warms our hearts.
Through the artist's work, you will be able to feel it



I want to put the image of eternity in my heart and draw it on canvas. I have been using soil as a material since 1997, leading the earth painting genre in the world of art history. I had a desire to break[...]

I want to put the image of eternity in my heart and draw it on canvas. I have been using soil as a material since 1997, leading the earth painting genre in the world of art history. I had a desire to break away from the same art form. My discovery experience commenced by erasing my past experiences and knowledge. The soil is cozy and warm. It is comfortable and calm. This feeling cannot be felt with the color of paint. This initiated the possibility of discovering a new perspective for the essence of things. I started by rejecting the techniques I enjoyed in the past. When as a painter you are free from this burden, you can discover a fresh sense of nature and begin to see the depth and the clarity.

Art is a new discovery

Colors that cannot be expressed with paints. The struggle with the soil to get it

Even if I wrestle with the soil day and night like this, there is a color that is so rare that it disappears with a single brushstroke.

It was a process to find originality

Beautiful paintings are great works. However, it is not a work of art or a cultural property.

I think a work of art, first, must have originality, and secondly, no one should be able to imitate it

The beauty of nature is all contained in my work.

It is the most original work that no one can imitate, and it has the best fit for the era of pursuing pure art and returning to nature

Dojoong Joからもっと見る

キャンバスの顔料 | 28.6x25.6 in
キャンバスの顔料 | 28.6x35.8 in
キャンバスの顔料 | 25.6x28.6 in
キャンバスの顔料 | 35.8x28.6 in

