55 / 2019 (2019) Рисунок - Dana Diaconescu

Карандаш на картон, 13x9,5 in
459 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка
Продавец Dana Diaconescu
Отправлено из: Румыния (Конверт) Доставка в пределах 2 дня
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Возврат принимается 14 дней Artmajeur на 100% стремится удовлетворить коллекционеров: у вас есть 14 дней, чтобы вернуть оригинальную работу. Работа должна быть возвращена художнику в идеальном состоянии, в оригинальной упаковке. Все подходящие предметы могут быть возвращены (если не указано иное).
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Это художественное произведение появляется в 3 в коллекциях
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Рисунок, Карандаш на картон
  • Размеры Высота 13in, Ширина 9,5in
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Рисунки до 500 $ Абстрактное
When I draw, I only choose the colors that "sing" to me at that moment. I never have an idea in my mind, I just let the drawing flow, show itself. I draw in one corner or the other, letting myself be carried away ... Even when I reach the middle of it I don't know what will happen next, I always draw what and how I feel. And my drawings[...]
When I draw, I only choose the colors that "sing" to me at that moment. I never have an idea in my mind, I just let the drawing flow, show itself. I draw in one corner or the other, letting myself be carried away ... Even when I reach the middle of it I don't know what will happen next, I always draw what and how I feel. And my drawings always amaze me at the end
That's why my drawings don't have a title, because I don't propose anything exactly when I start drawing and in the end they tell me too much to limit them in a word
Переведено автоматически
In the beginning it was... The Story A Child lives in a world much more colorful and alive than today's... A sensitive, empathetic, emotional Child, with colorful and diaphanous dreams. A Child[...]

In the beginning it was... The Story

A Child lives in a world much more colorful and alive than today's... A sensitive, empathetic, emotional Child, with colorful and diaphanous dreams. A Child who didn't know who he really was, and yet, something felt inside him.
The Child grew up with responsibilities and thus believed that she must always take everything on herself. She entered life always carrying everything: home, family, job, everything. Wherever she went, she went straight to the first line. And she always did this, forgetting herself and what was stirring in her soul.
But the Child had something special, which did not let her enter that hamster wheel that most people call "security". She liked - in fact, she needed - to always do something new, to experiment variedly. And this drew the path of her life...
And it was not by chance that the word "drawing" came to mind in this story. Because the only constant in a life full of experiences was DRAWING. The drawing accompanied the Child, allowing her to take shelter in her world and, at the same time, to bring her inner world to the surface. And when the Child forgot to draw, being too caught up in the important world of adults, the drawing waited well for the moment of recovery.
The trembling in the Child's Soul always accompanied her, discreet, subtle, until the time came to make herself heard, to be more and more alive and strong. And the Child followed her, trying to understand her and delving more and more into the mysteries that she hid inside. And with that, beautifully intertwined, came the moment of rediscovering the first passion and the drawings began to flow, as if wanting to make up for lost time, more and more colorful, more complex, more sensitive and radiant, illustrating the blossoming of the Child…
Later, the Child (we will continue to call her that, because, despite the passing of the years, her soul had remained untouched) began to have a start to understand some of her drawings. She had always known that they were not simple combinations of lines and colors, she had always known, deep down, that they were messages and maps to unknown worlds, but to whom can you say such a thing...?She sometimes liked to look at the drawings from the past years, she followed her own evolution in them. As the drawings became more and more complex, but also more balanced, so the Child became wiser, more balanced, closer to her essence.
One day, browsing, as I said, the drawings from previous years, she discovered a drawing in which she had illustrated the COVID. On January 5, 2019, almost a year before its appearance!! Then she didn't know what or why she had drawn. Looking carefully at the drawing, she found so much information related to the impact the virus had on people, the changes it was bringing to Earth...It was the most solid confirmation of his convictions. She had brought this message a year ago!!! And the drawing contained a lot of useful information from now on...

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Карандаш на картон | 11,8x8,3 in
459 $
Карандаш на картон | 13x9,5 in
459 $
Карандаш на картон | 13x9,5 in
459 $
Карандаш на картон | 13x9,5 in
459 $


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