Plentiful blessings (2023) Rysunek autorstwa Damian Smith

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Sprzedawca Damian Smith

Papier artystyczny, 12x8 in

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33,32 USD
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  994 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 994x1500
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Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
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Ta grafika pojawia się w 2 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Rysunek, Grafit na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 12,6in, Szerokość 8,3in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Rysunki poniżej 1 000 USD Surrealizm Kwiat
Creating something beautiful and special to symbolise healing. Allowing the natural wonder and beauty of the world to replace hurt with inspiration and awe. A graphite portrait drawing of a woman sitting with her back to the viewer while she looks over her shoulder directing her gaze to them. The woman has one hand raise across her body[...]
Creating something beautiful and special to symbolise healing. Allowing the natural wonder and beauty of the world to replace hurt with inspiration and awe.

A graphite portrait drawing of a woman sitting with her back to the viewer while she looks over her shoulder directing her gaze to them. The woman has one hand raise across her body up to her head holding her long hair up while the other arm is out of sight, it is assumed that it is holding up the sheet which drapes across her lower half. Across her back is a bouquet of flowers ranging in type and size, covering her lower back right up to the bottom of her face.

Powiązane tematy

Female BeautyBotanicalNatureFlowersFlora

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
I've always been a creative spirit, from early childhood, through to following my artistic aspirations through higher education, studying Fine Arts at Griffith university 2000-2003.  A life long[...]

I've always been a creative spirit, from early childhood, through to following my artistic aspirations through higher education, studying Fine Arts at Griffith university 2000-2003. 

A life long fascination with the human psyche has held me in the gravitational pull of themes of identity, the essence of emotion and the impact of individual in the world. My recent art work centres around visual reflections of my thoughts and feelings, exploring the broad spectrum of emotion through surreal figurative works. Most often the art is depicted through a vision themed by dreamscapes and figures referenced half in our reality and half in fantasy. Through these works I aim to explore the relationship between mortality and spirituality, in themes of identity, nature and beauty.

Zobacz więcej od Damian Smith

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