Living Environment Creature 3 (2022) 絵画 Kim Dahyun によって

紙の水彩画, 8.3x5.9 in
$603.28   $191.95
プライス: 送料無料
Kim Dahyun が販売
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最大解像度: 1653 x 2224 px

Kim Dahyun が販売

This is one of the first trials of making organic compositions of the things I have been drawing individually. Organic coral shapes (Alien Spine), flat jade stone at the back, a transparent gem at the right bottom, Alien Spine growing out from that, moving slowly towards the light on the top left side. This growing Alien from the transparent gem is[...]
This is one of the first trials of making organic compositions of the things I have been drawing individually. Organic coral shapes (Alien Spine), flat jade stone at the back, a transparent gem at the right bottom, Alien Spine growing out from that, moving slowly towards the light on the top left side. This growing Alien from the transparent gem is seemingly having supernatural ability but it's generally friendly and curious like a little baby. Alien is covered by a thin layer of transparent pink velvet, which is giving a sense of 'welcomed' or 'protected'.

Since I have been trying to draw a lot of pencil sketches first and then move them onto watercolour, these combinations are tests and studies of my unconscious mind. While drawing this painting, it has been very weird to think that, why and where are these elements coming from in my mind. I need to think, and ponder deeply.


YellowRedBlueJapanese PaintingChinese Painting

Dahyun Kim is an emerging South Korean artist. Her background is originally an architectural designer, whose father is a photographer and artist that taught her fine art.  She lived half of her life in[...]

Dahyun Kim is an emerging South Korean artist. Her background is originally an architectural designer, whose father is a photographer and artist that taught her fine art. 

She lived half of her life in her hometown, Korea and half in Beijing and London. She got a Bachelor's degree in Architecture at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and a Master's degree in Architecture at the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA School), London, both of which are renowned as internationally reputable schools in the world. 

She is now working as a Designer at Zaha Hadid Architects in London. During most of her spare time, she paints a lot in a quiet Paddington home near Hyde Park. Recently She has been painting watercolour a lot, developing new techniques, combining oriental and western painting styles and techniques. The concepts of the paintings and the elements inside them mostly derive from her own imagination and unconscious mind.

Kim Dahyunからもっと見る

紙の水彩画 | 8.3x5.9 in
紙の水彩画 | 8.3x5.9 in
紙の水彩画 | 8.3x5.9 in
紙の水彩画 | 8.3x5.9 in

