Mothers/2 (2020) Disegno da Maria Cristina Cerminara

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Venditore Maria Cristina Cerminara

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Montato su Cartone
I love decorating and painting on shells because naturale elements are a very important part of my art works. Shells are among my favorite natural jewels and I create series of drawing and painting or collages on their beautiful surface. In this case I dedicated this small work to all mothers. I decided to create a serie dedicated to love[...]
I love decorating and painting on shells because naturale elements are a very important part of my art works.
Shells are among my favorite natural jewels and I create series of drawing and painting or collages on their beautiful surface. In this case I dedicated this small work to all mothers.
I decided to create a serie dedicated to love and women, and i painted these subjects on the shell surface. After the painting I place the the shell inside a decorated cardboard box ready to be hanged on walls. They become in this way also an assemblage.

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I’m a drawer,painter and multidisciplinary artist based in Rome were I was born. I have a real passion for every form of drawing tecnique. I completed my studies at the Florence and Rome Art Academy in[...]

I’m a drawer,painter and multidisciplinary artist based in Rome were I was born. I have a real passion for every form of drawing tecnique.

I completed my studies at the Florence and Rome Art Academy in 1999.

After many years studying and working in England and Germany I now live in Rome where I concentrate my research on drawing techniques, site specific installation, digital collage based on drawings and paintings.

 In the last years my art research concentrated also on man and mostly women “body” perception, body positive tendencies and a study of the unconscious universe of dreams.

After my first solo exhibition in Luxembourg I partecipate constantly to solo and collective exhibitions.

La mia passione è il disegno in ogni sua forma, ma amo esplorare molte tecniche e materiali diversi, dal collage al disegno digitale, dall'installazione site specific ad azioni in natura e sul territorio della mia città. 

Dopo i miei studi all'Istituto d'Arte di Roma ho continuato e completato i miei studi  artististici presso le Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze e Roma.

Durante gli anni 80/90 mi sono trasferita in Inghilterra e Germania dove ho cominciato ad esporre i miei lavori in mostre personali e collettive.

Da allora espongo costantemente le mie opere in mostre personali e collettive e partecipo a progetti in collaborazione con artisti internazionali.

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Collages su Cartone | 6,9x4,7 in
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Acquarello su Cartone | 6,9x4,7 in
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Acquarello su Cartone | 3,4x2,6 in
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Acquarello su Cartone | 3,4x2,6 in
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