Angel of the Fountain (2010) 絵画 Billie Joyce Fell によって

キャンバスの絵画, 13.8x11 in
プライス: 送料無料
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 絵画, キャンバスの
  • 寸法 高さ 13.8in, 幅 11in
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $20,000から 印象主義
"Impression Realism" always is an attempt to share the experience! "Angel of the Fountain" was located on a famous balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in a Spanish costal town. The fountain has now disappeared and this is not the first time one of my paintings gives a last glimpse of a beautiful view now lost. Yet the[...]
"Impression Realism" always is an attempt to share the experience! "Angel of the Fountain" was located on a famous balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in a Spanish costal town. The fountain has now disappeared and this is not the first time one of my paintings gives a last glimpse of a beautiful view now lost. Yet the feeling that everything there is seeped in the sea, as the foreground relates by the invitation to enter the experience through the tide, is still quite alive.
The angel on the fountains edge has its own subtle imagery.


Mediterranean SeaBalcon De NerjaCoast ViewFountainAngel

Well, I began to paint in oils at the age of 10 (1960) but it wasn´t until the 1980s when I discovered Motif, Of course all those years went by with private lessons and university which did prepare me for[...]

Well, I began to paint in oils at the age of 10 (1960) but it wasn´t until the 1980s when I discovered Motif, Of course all those years went by with private lessons and university which did prepare me for a commercial production. But then motif appeared and everything changed, "Impression Realism" was born out of a need to describe what I was doing and try to remain true to it! The process itself is so personal, I just "see" the painting and then go after it. The work takes too long, I do keep promising myself that this new one will be done faster, etc. but then I fall completely in Love with the painting and you cannot betray Love.

Billie Joyce Fellからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 21.7x32.3 in
キャンバスの絵画 | 9.3x7.5 in
キャンバスのオイル | 13.4x16.5 in
リネンキャンバスのオイル | 8.5x6.3 in

