Bazévian Delacapucinière Immagine del profilo

Bazévian Delacapucinière

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Entretien avec la revue Carbon Creative Arts

Entretien avec la revue Carbon Creative Arts sept 2013 in english

CARBON CREATIVE ARTS: Bazévian is an impressionistic artist. Based in Brazil, he resides on the furthest peripheries of our ring of artists. He uses oils in vivid contrasts to depict faces in poverty and animals. Here are some of his works..

BAZEVIAN: With the economy in dire straits, I started two years ago, a series of studies based on the human condition, especially the face of homeless people. Face is meaning and language. It is obviously the location for the expressions and emotions which give information about the character. However, the face is the only part of the body normally exposed and naked. We can’t hide it in our society. So every day,when we look at faces, they told. Moreover, when we look at a face, we choose to accept the social conditions of this person. That’s why the portrait has a significant place in my work.”

CARBON CREATIVE ARTS: What struck me about Bazévian’s work was the universality of poverty. These people could be any number of people gracing the seafront of my home town of Hastings, rather than the far reaches of Brazil. It perhaps highlights how divisions of religion, ethnicity or nationality are often highlighted, maybe even to disguise the divisions of class. Bazévian is cynical to politics, or art as an affective tool for reform.

BAZEVIAN: You’re absolutely right. Poverty is definitely universal. That’s why I painted an American, English, French, Brazilian… homeless men. I’m not communist such as Picasso, socialist, or anarchist. In fact, I don’t believe in politics. I would rather say that I am a kind of “humanist”. I don’t believe that my art will help to change the world. Van Gogh, has it improved the living conditions of the peasants? The German expressionist such as Otto Dix, profoundly affected by the sights of the war, painted many traumatic artworks. Does it stop WWII? In both case, they are trying to capture a scene, memory, men or women or just a face! But they didn’t change the world! The only good thing when I sold a painting, that I give a few $ to a homeless man or raise money to create an art project with an orphan foundation! Unfortunately, that’s it!”

CARBON CREATIVE ARTS: Although Bazévian is not restricted to depicting the human condition, his work also includes the work of animals. The animal works share the high contrast between light and dark, and polar colours of his human portraits that attracted us to his work.

BAZEVIAN: Regarding my zoo, I confess they are just animals. However, each animal hide a kind of message, denouncing a “powerful” company…Two years ago, I met a street artist Eric Roa in Stavanger, I was stupefied by his work. He paint gigantic scene of dead animals inside the city! Strong message on concrete wall. In my case, my animals are already dead. Yes, there are a lot of hunting trophies on my wall!


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