How could the cat get so fat? (2021) 绘画 由 Arnold August Nobis

丙烯在帆布上, 39.4x63 in
价格: 免费送货
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关于这件艺术品: 分类, 技术技巧 & 款式 丙烯 使用传统颜料与合成树脂混合的油漆。 漆 用树液,各种灌木的树脂或基于热固性树脂的清漆制成的涂料。该技术包括将漆层叠加在一起,并在每层之间进行剧烈抛光。它通常是光滑有光泽的,但有时也可以是缎子或非常哑光的。[...]
Arnold August Nobis, a contemporary Austrian artist, has demonstrated a lifelong passion for graphics and painting. After graduating from the Pamplona Art School as an applied sculptor, he established a spacious[...]

Arnold August Nobis, a contemporary Austrian artist, has demonstrated a lifelong passion for graphics and painting. After graduating from the Pamplona Art School as an applied sculptor, he established a spacious studio within an old factory hall in Bilbao, where he developed his unique techniques from the ground up. Nobis' use of sand, dust, coffee powder, and bitumen are among the first characteristics of his work. 


Nobis' predominantly abstract paintings are situated in the field of tension between the body, architecture, representational motifs, and abstract shapes. By superimposing pictorial surfaces, the artist creates a sense of depth that expands the space. The web-like structures of his work interweave with shapes, resulting in a sense of complexity, connection, and familiarity.


Presently, Nobis resides and works in Austria. His artwork has been exhibited in various national and international venues and can be found in private collections throughout Austria, Czechia, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.

"I perceive the act of painting as a dialogue that I lead with an entity that yearns to be born on the canvas. The expressive qualities and legitimacy of the work are achieved through the fine coordination and harmonization of colors, shapes, and stylistic elements."


"When I lived along the Atlantic coast in northern Spain, I would frequently visit the old shipyards to seek inspiration from the decaying shipwrecks. The endless roar of the sea and the force of the wind gave me a sense of infinity and timelessness. I am intrigued by artworks that remain relevant through time, and I endeavor to imbue my own creations with this sense of timelessness."

查看更多的Arnold August Nobis

丙烯在帆布上 | 47.2x70.9 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x55.1 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 55.1x39.4 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x39.4 in

