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Anna Privaloff

艺术家 (绘画)
出生于 未知日期

Born in 1976 in the USSR, Anna Privaloff lives and works in Cyprus. She started painting from the age of four and from the early years studied art in the best art schools in Ivanovo, Russia. Anna Privaloff graduated from the Gerzen Russian State University in St. Petersburg. Her artistic practice, which is indebted to symbolist works of Vrubel and Klimt as well as post-impressionist art of van Gogh, Gaugin and Toulouse-Lautrec, is situated on the boundaries of enchanting fairytales where reality meets illusion.
Having been dealing with Polytheistic cultures and in particular ancient Greek religion, Anna believes that Hellenism was among the best periods of human evolution, where love, creativity, art and worship of nature, science and philosophy could be practised for the good of the soul, mind and body.
The secret of her success lies in her ability to fall in love with her models and to see their souls rather than wrinkles. She would often make the same person with several faces, three or even five, like you see the face of the loved one in its different expressions. That's something which makes Anna Privaloff stand out among other modern artists.

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