Warming a Cold Heart (2019) 绘画 由 Anil Kumar

丙烯在帆布上, 56x32 in
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This enigmatic creation titled ‘Warmth of a cold heart’ invites the viewer to enter into a deep state of contemplation to understand the hidden message the buried deep within the canvas. At a glance the muse may seem cold and distant in nature which is further enhanced by the blue colorations used to illustrate her demeanor. But standing[...]
This enigmatic creation titled ‘Warmth of a cold heart’ invites the viewer to enter into a deep state of contemplation to understand the hidden message the buried deep within the canvas.

At a glance the muse may seem cold and distant in nature which is further enhanced by the blue colorations used to illustrate her demeanor. But standing out from amidst this cold exterior is the warm heart she shields from the outside world which holds the immense ability to love.


Modern PaintingsModern ArtsAcrylic On CanvasAcrylic PaintingsAcrylic Over Digital Print

When one looks at Anil Kumar’s paintings they are[...]

When one looks at Anil Kumar’s paintings they are hit by a sense of awe that can’t be worded Filled with textures, filters, patterns and digital techniques, these mixed media works speak a thousand words and keep silent at the same time, leaving a deep impression on the viewer.

The color heavy works are done on limited edition canvas and regale fantastic stories, explore hidden emotions and prod one’s consciousness to think beyond an expression of the numerous thoughts that cross the painter’s mind and reference to the material world each painting is unique despite the familiar artistic technique

Anil says his works are his ways of finding himself and reflecting on his own psyche. “I’m searching for myself through art. I translate an understanding of the world and my experiences into my works. While some use song and dance to express themselves, I paint to express my love for life”

He takes photographs and other references to create a merger between acrylic paint and digital art. His subjects include festivals, monuments, celebrities and more, but he doesn’t replicate them as they are. Instead, he gives them a touch of his hands and adds beauty to even the most common of pictures. “I am also a researching a way to facilitate the mood of the mind onto the canvas using principles of psychiatry, ancient meditation techniques, religion, and geometry” explain Anil.

Over the years, he has gone from painting only nature and faces to philosophical. Talking about the artistic process, he says, “One can see a pattern in my approach, even in the random ideas that I stew over which are eventually given some form”

There is a never an end to learning as he continuously experiments with new techniques. This, he thinks, is what pushes him to do his best.

查看更多的Anil Kumar

丙烯在帆布上 | 45x32 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 32x51 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 32x56 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 36x72 in

