Αθηνά / Athena, 2031 series, Edition of 31 (2022) 雕塑 由 Andrey And Aleksey Kulibin

Promotion Gallery 出售

  • 原创艺术品 (One Of A Kind) 雕塑, 丙烯 / 在其他基材上
  • 外形尺寸 44.9x44.9 in
    单独工作的尺寸,不带框架: 高度 44.9in, 宽度 44.9in / 15.00 kg
  • 艺术品状况 工作状况非常好
  • 是否含画框 这件作品是诬陷
  • 适合户外? 是, 这件艺术品可以在户外展示
  • 分类 雕塑作品 低于US$5,000 形象艺术
The artworks of 2031 series bring up the subject of epochs clash and the search for balance in a modern technological world. Symbolic accents in this series are even more contrasting. On one side are the symbols of common human experience, centuries-old knowledge and unlimited human potential expressed by means of ancient Greek gods images. On the[...]
The artworks of 2031 series bring up the subject of epochs clash and the search for balance in a modern technological world. Symbolic accents in this series are even more contrasting. On one side are the symbols of common human experience, centuries-old knowledge and unlimited human potential expressed by means of ancient Greek gods images. On the other side are social phenomena of the modern digital world – digital overconsumption that affects the whole human culture in a destructive manner.

Yellow elements of regular pixel shape are made of yellow flock. That is a special material used in the majority of artworks of The Epoch series – a built-up yellow matte fabric that is visually associated with emojis' basic color. This fabric is applied using an electrostatic field that draws thousands of yellow spikes onto a special surface. This method symbolically visualizes the very essence of physical attraction, and the material itself looks pleasing amidst acrylic paint. Flock induces the desire to touch it and to enjoy tactile feelings.

Inspired by the works of Daniel Arsham and his methods of visual rendition of things' ageing, we recreated the image of destructivism, but Arsham's variable of time is complemented with a variable of quality of that time. Vector of our attention influences the quality of time we spend. In the reality of modern world, where our attention is a prize to win by social media, entertainment etc., it is very easy to get in the trap of non-stop consumption of endless content which is all about semblance, not meaning.


White Monochrome PaintingWhite And YellowGreek God MythologyAthenaBold Modern Artwork

艺术家表示Promotion Gallery
Andrey Kulibin 和 Alexey Kulibin 是自学成才的艺术家,于 2020 年成立了自己的工作室。由于缺乏专业的艺术教育,他们冒险进入了不受传统束缚的艺术领域。他们巧妙地将雕塑和绘画融合在一起,最终磨练出独特的风格。他们的创作跨越多种媒介——包括绘画、雕塑和数字艺术。利用广告背景,他们深入研究了工业材料和机械的复杂性。在过去的三年里,这种探索产生了各种各样的技术和形式。

Andrey Kulibin 和 Alexey Kulibin 是自学成才的艺术家,于 2020 年成立了自己的工作室。由于缺乏专业的艺术教育,他们冒险进入了不受传统束缚的艺术领域。他们巧妙地将雕塑和绘画融合在一起,最终磨练出独特的风格。他们的创作跨越多种媒介——包括绘画、雕塑和数字艺术。利用广告背景,他们深入研究了工业材料和机械的复杂性。在过去的三年里,这种探索产生了各种各样的技术和形式。

他们艺术方法的核心是将绘画与三维结构相融合,并通过 CNC 机械和 3D 打印机精心制作。在他们的艺术作品中,他们深入探讨了当代技术环境中社会变态的主题,人类注意力的价值已转变为商品。

查看更多的Andrey And Aleksey Kulibin

雕塑 - 丙烯 | 37.4x37.4 in
雕塑 - 丙烯 | 9.8x9.8 in
雕塑 - 木 | 9.8x9.8 in
雕塑 - 木 | 37.4x37.4 in

