Between the waves (2020) Pittura da Andrei Filipovich

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Venditore Andrei Filipovich

Carta per belle arti, 9x8 in

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33,46 USD
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  1255 px  

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Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
This is a painting called "Between the Waves" from the series "In Search of Paradise Lost," which seeks answers about one's connection with the natural world. The mermaid on the canvas symbolizes the power of nature and its interaction with humans, and the blue hair represents its uniqueness and beautiful connection with the[...]
This is a painting called "Between the Waves" from the series "In Search of Paradise Lost," which seeks answers about one's connection with the natural world. The mermaid on the canvas symbolizes the power of nature and its interaction with humans, and the blue hair represents its uniqueness and beautiful connection with the sea. The water is fluid and unpredictable, symbolizing the beauty and vulnerability of living creatures. The large wave invites the viewer to dive deep and discover a new world. The mermaid's tail adds mystery and fantasy to the painting, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in the world of mythology and nature. Overall, this painting was created to leave a lasting impression on the viewer and encourage them to contemplate their own relationship with the natural world.
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Artist graduated with honours from the MA at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2022. He prepared his diploma thesis in the printmaking studio under the direction of Professor Rafał Kochański and Bogusław[...]

Artist graduated with honours from the MA at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2022. He prepared his diploma thesis in the printmaking studio under the direction of Professor Rafał Kochański and Bogusław Deptuła, MA. In 2018, during his studies, he was awarded the Prize of the Minister of Culture.
Despite his realism, the artist always focuses on emotional content rather than narrative. After years of exploration, he has found his own style and technique, drawing inspiration from artists such as David Hockney, Leon Tarasewicz and others. His painting and graphic works revolve around classical landscape painting, represented in a modern way, and portraits, which show his unique interpretations of the European portrait tradition. The atmosphere in his works is sometimes represented in a compressed or suspended state, with elements of realism and expressionism. He explores the darker sides of life, existentialism, longing and loneliness, contrasting with fragile beauty.
The artist has co-organised and led numerous art projects and plein-air painting workshops, including the Andrzej Strumiłło International Painting Plein-air EREM 6. He works closely with a group of collectors and galleries.

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