Aleksandra Rowicka Image de profil

Aleksandra Rowicka

Artiste (Arts numériques)
Né(e) en 1973

My artistic journey begins on the bustling streets or in the quiet of a portrait session, where my lens captures raw, unfiltered moments that speak volumes of the human experience. These photographs, alongside my painted canvases, are the seeds from which my digital art blooms. Employing generative AI, I coax these seeds to sprout, intertwining them with the rich textures and emotive colours of my traditional works, thereby birthing a new hybrid aesthetic. This process is a dance of transformation, where the AI and I are partners, pushing boundaries and melding worlds. Together, we navigate societal narratives, exploring the human condition and the intriguing paths of creative evolution in the age of artificial intelligence. My art is a bridge between the pulsating life captured in my street photography and portraits, the nuanced strokes of my paintings, and the endless possibilities ushered in by AI.

Découvrez les oeuvres d'art contemporain de Aleksandra Rowicka, parcourez les oeuvres d'art récentes et achetez en ligne. Catégories: artistes contemporains belges. Domaines artistiques: Arts numériques. Type de compte: Artiste , membre depuis 2024 (Pays d'origine Pologne). Achetez les dernières œuvres de Aleksandra Rowicka sur Artmajeur: Découvrez de superbes oeuvres par l'artiste contemporain Aleksandra Rowicka. Parcourez ses oeuvres d'art, achetez des oeuvres originales ou des impressions haut de gamme.

Aleksandra Rowicka Image de profil Grand

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