a walk in the forest (2020) Картина - Yeshaya Dank

Акварель на Холст, 16x20 in
6 358 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка
Продано по Yeshaya Dank
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Доставка Artmajeur: Доставка этого произведения искусства осуществляется непосредственно Artmajeur от момента получения до окончательной доставки заказчику. Таможня не включена.
  • упаковка (Коробка или картонная упаковка) Все работы доставляются премиальным перевозчиком, надёжно охраняемым и застрахованным.
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Гарантия безопасности сделки на 100%, Приемлемые способы оплаты: Кредитная карта, PayPal, Банковский перевод.
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Бесплатный возврат: Гарантируем возврат денежных средств в течение 14 дней.
Возврат принимается 14 дней Artmajeur на 100% стремится удовлетворить коллекционеров: у вас есть 14 дней, чтобы вернуть оригинальную работу. Работа должна быть возвращена художнику в идеальном состоянии, в оригинальной упаковке. Все подходящие предметы могут быть возвращены (если не указано иное).
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Продано по Yeshaya Dank

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250,00 $
500,00 $
2 500,00 $
Максимальное разрешение: 4636 x 3483 px
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Продано по Yeshaya Dank

уникальный экземпляр
Работа за подписью художника
Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акварель на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 16in, Ширина 20in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 20 000 $ Аутсайдерское искусство лес
Your walking along a forest path, without any worries. Your relaxed, taking in all the scenery and you have not a care in the world. Along the path you see trees that seem to be as tall as the sky. Each tree has green moss and multiple green vines wrapped around it, twisting every which way. Looking forward you see, your approaching a clearing which[...]
Your walking along a forest path, without any worries. Your relaxed, taking in all the scenery and you have not a care in the world. Along the path you see trees that seem to be as tall as the sky. Each tree has green moss and multiple green vines wrapped around it, twisting every which way. Looking forward you see, your approaching a clearing which is just up the hill. Upon glancing down you see there is still more amazing life on the forest floor. There are stones covered in moss and ground covering plants in all different shades of green. What a refreshing place to spend any length of time!

This painting arrives ready to hang.

I would recommend that you hang this painting in a place with a lot of natural light. You can also use a combination of white and yellow lighting to simulate the natural lighting.

P.S. This took me 1.5 months to create, and that is reflected in the price.

Связанные темы

Yeshaya DankForestRelaxingRejuvenatingBeautiful

Переведено автоматически
"My watercolor art explores everything that is beautiful in this world...People, places, emotions, experiences, and opportunities." - Yeshaya Dank. I want beauty to be accessible[...]

"My watercolor art explores everything that is beautiful in this world...People, places, emotions, experiences, and opportunities."

- Yeshaya Dank.

I want beauty to be accessible to everyone, and for there to be the understanding that beauty exists everywhere, all the time, you just need to search for it and you will be dearly rewarded!

I paint the uncharted territory, the places and things that I've never seen painted like this before or from this angle.

I try to put many hidden gems into one painting, just waiting for you to discover.

Showing how everything has beauty, it's just waiting to be discovered.

Same with my artworks; with time you will discover new and beautiful details on each painting, which were previously hidden in plain sight!

The artists who inspire my work include:

Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh, and JR.

What is my creation process?

I start by cutting stencils, to ensure that the base shapes and textures are perfect. I then paint using watercolour; up to 50 layers of different colours, in different areas. Allowing some areas to dry fast and some to try slower, creating different textures and shades of colour.

I use thin canvasses intentionally, as i am trying to create beautiful getaways that when not being used, can just blend back into the background again. They don't stick out at you, yet they are still easily accessed at a moments notice, exactly when you need them.

My total creation time, can be up to 3 months per painting.

I grew up in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently based near Horsham, Victoria, Australia.

How I came up with my pricing:

I think a fair wage for an emerging artist is at least $125 USD per day + the cost of materials, shipping costs, handling & insurance costs. So if an artwork takes me a week to create it will cost $875 + the cost of materials, shipping costs, handling & insurance costs. If an artwork takes a month to create it will cost $3,750 + the cost of materials, shipping costs, handling & insurance costs.

My highest priced piece (walking into the sunset) took 3 months to create; hence the $11,250 + cost of materials & shipping, handling & insurance costs.

My prints will priced in such a way that they will be affordable to everyone, cause i believe that everyone deserves to be able to own nice art, and by pricing my prints at a lower price; everyone can afford them! :D

You might also wonder why my prices are the same regardless if there is more or less detail, and the reason for that is because I put the same amount of effort into an artwork with less detail; as I do with the one with more detail.

The difference is in the story content.

The one with less detail will have more of a story, and the one with more detail will have less of a story since most the story is clearly seen, and understood.

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and I look forward to meeting all of you at some point in the near future! :)

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