Dancing Queen (2019) Kolaże autorstwa Toby Leon

Kolaże na Papier, 32x24 in
170 USD
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Sprzedawca Toby Leon
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Here she is: the greatest Tayū who ever lived. Putting on a private show in this secluded wing of the Alhambra. Her first was for el rey y la reina. Now she dances on the spot for a motley crew of gamblers and aristocrats. Servants and black sheep who've heard her myth and come to see for themselves... the Dancing Queen you can't knock down.[...]
Here she is: the greatest Tayū who ever lived. Putting on a private show in this secluded wing of the Alhambra. Her first was for el rey y la reina. Now she dances on the spot for a motley crew of gamblers and aristocrats. Servants and black sheep who've heard her myth and come to see for themselves... the Dancing Queen you can't knock down. Found in every palace on this tour, they hang round 'til dawn breaks — scattering to their quarters before anyone catches a glance.

And she'd let her legend run wild for years now, because it kept being proved to be true. She didn't know if she was in control of it. She didn't want to. All she knew was she drew larger and larger crowds to every bash. Where they'd try and topple her over in back rooms and hideaways. Throwing everything from oranges to cod while she fish fingered their gaze upon her bare flesh poking out beneath the silks. Knowing no matter what mayhem they hurled, she'd grab it like every other plate, bowl and teapot she's caught in Kyoto. With aplomb, midair, a ring cycle on spin cycle, never stopping, not for anyone... and certainly not for this silly lot who thought they'd knock her off her spot. With what? This fish? They wish.

From Buenos Aires to Ceylon they'd tried to take her on, and every time they left a little lighter as she collected coins from one after another. A dangerous bet she couldn't seem to refuse, because the Dancing Queen just won't lose...


The Tayū (太夫) were the highest class of traditional courtesan in traditional Japan. Distinguished by their intensive training from a young age in numerous traditional artforms... and the fact they didn't engage in sex work. They were celebrities, then. Not courtesans. And in the not too distant past, people knew about far flung celebrities in the same way we do now — the Industrial world's version of Amitabh Bachchan or Fan Bing Bing. Except Tayū were something else entirely. An all-in-one entertainment machine. Like the one seen here with that doggone fish reducing her to a sex object through tired symbolism, like so much Japanese art of the time.

Sources Of Inspiration

Tayū and courtesan culture in traditional Japan • Andalucia — cradle of queens who fought in battle • The smoky, lurid excess of French salons • Running away with the circus

Details, Details

I edited most of the men out of this piece and replaced them with women from all walks of life, because the source material was all hopped up on the male gaze... and there's no space in this daydream for that.

Powiązane tematy


Przetłumaczone automatycznie
History Remixing We imagine history into existence every day, shaping the world around us as we go. I remake histories with every piece. From a motley crew of tales tall and true. A melange of myths,[...]

History Remixing

We imagine history into existence every day, shaping the world around us as we go. I remake histories with every piece. From a motley crew of tales tall and true. A melange of myths, signs and symbols. Every one ripe for my kitsch confections, which could all be legends one day.

Every piece I create is true. Sourced from truth and grounded by it. But never real. Reality's a fiction we're all subscribed to, which doesn't make it any less true. And that's the thing about the truth. Or the past. It moves in both directions. Myriad, in fact. Never sitting still or doing as it's told. Forever questioned, dissected, reframed and upended. Queered and inverted. Packaged and performed. Told, retold, adapted then sold. Evolving, like everything else. Which is why I like to think my art exists outside of time. Reaching for infinity. Not reality. A kaleidoscope of mish-mashed truths, which are only as surreal as we choose to make them...‍

Eternally Hungry

Born in Sydney, I spent my childhood surrounded by artists, oddballs and academics. They taught me to question everything. Respectfully and without fear.

Their coffee table books inspired my love of art and design. Vigorous debates over citywide dinner tables made me realise how complex the world is. Tales of lives spent abroad inspired my wanderlust. Their most important lesson? The value of being eternally hungry—that you should always leave enough room to taste something you've never experienced before.

Twenty-two countries and four continents later, I can find home anywhere with WiFi and a hearty chunk of intrigue. It's because of them, and I'm forever grateful.

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Kolaże na Papier | 32x24 in
170 USD
Kolaże na Papier | 32x24 in
170 USD
Kolaże na Papier | 32x24 in
170 USD
Kolaże na Papier | 32x24 in
170 USD


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