Prima Girafferina by Steven L Smeltzer Whimsical Collection (2018) Sculptuur door Steve Smeltzer

Sculptuur - Gietwerk, 25,5x8 in
US$ 1.373
Prijs: Geen verzendkosten
Verzonden vanuit: Verenigde Staten (Doos of kartonnen verpakking) Wordt verzonden binnen 2 dagen
Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen.
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Gratis retour: Tevreden of geld terug binnen 14 dagen..
Retourzendingen Geaccepteerd 14 dagen Artmajeur is 100% toegewijd aan de tevredenheid van verzamelaars: u heeft 14 dagen de tijd om een origineel werk terug te sturen. Het werk moet in perfecte staat in de originele verpakking aan de kunstenaar worden teruggegeven. Alle in aanmerking komende artikelen kunnen worden geretourneerd (tenzij anders aangegeven).
Kunstwerk ondertekend door de kunstenaar
Certificaat van echtheid inbegrepen
Dit kunstwerk verschijnt in 2 verzamelingen
  • Beperkte editie (#54/10000) Sculptuur, Gietwerk / Hars op Ander substraat
  • Dimensies Hoogte 25,5in, Breedte 8in / 8.00 lb
  • Staat van kunstwerk Het kunstwerk is in perfecte staat
  • Geschikt voor buiten? Nee, Dit kunstwerk kan niet buiten worden getoond
  • Categorieën Sculpturen onder US$ 5.000 Conceptuele Kunst Humor
Prima Girrafferina by Steve Lee Smeltzer, The Giraffe dancing like a ballerina. Steven’s sculptures are made of high-fire stoneware and the eyes are made of porcelain clay. After the piece has dried, it is dipped or sprayed with an oxide strain which is partially wiped off before the firing process. The vibrant colors are achieved by[...]
Prima Girrafferina by Steve Lee Smeltzer, The Giraffe dancing like a ballerina.

Steven’s sculptures are made of high-fire stoneware and the eyes are made of porcelain clay. After the piece has dried, it is dipped or sprayed with an oxide strain which is partially wiped off before the firing process. The vibrant colors are achieved by applying acrylic paint, followed by a light misting of acrylic.

Verwante thema's


Automatisch vertaald
Kunstenaar vertegenwoordigd door Foundry Michelangelo
Steven Lee Smeltzer’s artistic odyssey began in a ceramics class in his last year of college. He knew, from then on, that this was to be his life’s work. His intention was to make pottery but every time he[...]

Steven Lee Smeltzer’s artistic odyssey began in a ceramics class in his last year of college. He knew, from then on, that this was to be his life’s work. His intention was to make pottery but every time he would make a bowl or a cup, he would add a face to it. Eventually, he stopped making the bowls and cups and concentrated on making his very distinctive creatures.

An avid surfer, Steven was drawn to the islands and he has lived here for most of his life. He gets his inspiration for his work from the lush, tropical lifestyle and deep respect for the ocean and then adds his own peculiar twist. Steven makes no secret of the fact that his favorite artist was Dr. Seuss.

Steven’s sculptures are made of high-fire stoneware and the eyes are made of porcelain clay. After the piece has dried, it is dipped or sprayed with an oxide strain which is partially wiped off before the firing process. The vibrant colors are achieved by applying acrylic paint, followed by a light misting of acrylic.

Smeltzer has often said that he finds himself entangled in a web of nonsense…and he loves it. Inspired by everything and everyone, his creations come to life in his mind, then take shape from a mound of clay with the innate skill of a true artisan. Each sculpture reflects Steven’s desire to bring a sense of lightheartedness to all that are willing to indulge in imaginative and fanciful art.

Though recently a number of his whimsical characters unexpectedly veered away from the humorous side of life to the more sinister, with a starring role as antagonists in Wray Ardan’s young adult “romance, dark fantasy, thriller” novel, Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate.

Bekijk meer van Steve Smeltzer

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Sculptuur - Keramiek | 19x14 in
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Sculptuur - Acryl | 15x9 in
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