La peinture inspirée par les fleurs (2011) Pintura por Stefano Rollero

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Vendedor Stefano Rollero

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US$ 33,52
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  488 px  

650 px
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Banco de imagens de arte
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  • Obras de arte originais Pintura,
  • Dimensões As dimensões estão disponíveis mediante solicitação
Sobre esta obra: Classificação, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica Pintura A pintura é uma forma de arte de pintura em uma superfície,[...]
Biography 1996. Stefano Rollero's artistic work emerges from his careful reflection on the art of images in general, but it is that of collage that captures him. Rollero represents for us a "phenomenon" in a sad[...]
Biography 1996. Stefano Rollero's artistic work emerges from his careful reflection on the art of images in general, but it is that of collage that captures him. Rollero represents for us a "phenomenon" in a sad artistic panorama in which "improvisers - improvised" swarm "creating" authentic banalities, triumphs of their ignorance and more than elementary technical and cultural preparation; From this squalor emerge very rare figures who, despite not having academic qualifications, manage to create culture with serious, humble and intelligent work. Our artist evidently has innate talents that he has managed to cultivate and refine until he expresses himself in a solid and mature way. Working with collage and decolage is very difficult because the obvious, the banal, are always lurking, but Rollero translates with great seriousness, in a sensitive and lively way, cultural stimuli, events, visual opportunities in a passionate research in which the fragments, flashes, moments, as if just emerging from a great chaos, find a precise location and a precise meaning. Sometimes ironic, sometimes severe witness of the events of our era, other times lucid or ferocious or amazed, Rollero continually evolves, absolute master of a lively and engaging language", in fact his paintings are appreciated in local exhibitions as well as national ones and international, where he has obtained significant recognition and prizes, as happens for an art master. Pippo Ciarlo.

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Pintura | 39,4x31,5 in
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