Simone 个人资料图片


返回列表 2014年8月15日新增

Aspects of Love is published in Life As Human

Online at:

星期四 14 八月 2014
星期日 14 九月 2014

Great news!

You can view my work in Life As Human. "... the human interest magazine for evolving minds, featuring content that talks about what it means to be human — the good, the bad … and the enlightening."

I was just minding my own business when a message appeared on my website asking me if I wanted to submit work to their upcoming issue. Of course I said, "Yes!"

I am honoured to have been approached to submit my work and am looking forward to more opportunities like this one.

The images seen in Life As Human can be ordered as prints, greeting cards and postcards. You can also purchase the original and have it shipped to you. Here's a link to the corresponding page on my website:


