"PASSAROLA VOADORA" (2022) Картина - Rui Carreira

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Продано по Rui Carreira

In this context, I return to the “bohemian” and cultural environment at the Cova Funda Restaurant, Coimbra, at dinner on the weekend, with friends, where, "all of a sudden, anything can happen, spontaneously",... The theme “PASSAROLA VOADORA”, why?!... Anyone who knows Manuel Flores, the singer portrayed, knows what[...]
In this context, I return to the “bohemian” and cultural environment at the Cova Funda Restaurant, Coimbra, at dinner on the weekend, with friends, where, "all of a sudden, anything can happen, spontaneously",...

The theme “PASSAROLA VOADORA”, why?!...

Anyone who knows Manuel Flores, the singer portrayed, knows what I'm talking about.In addition to being one of Flores' favorite songs “Pedra Filosofal” (Philosophical Stone). It´s a beautiful song, with a poem by António Gedeão, music by Manuel Freire and initially sung by him.

As the poem in the song says "...they don't know that the dream is a constant in life, it's canvas, it's color, it's brush,... warhead... capital... flying catwalk (Passarola Voadora)...”.

But. Manuel Flores investigates and interprets, among others songs, fados by Amália with music by Alain Oulman.

That´s why i painted an image, in the upper right corner, relating an encounter between them.

Amália Rodrigues, at the time of the Dictatorship, dared to innovate Fado, singing poets not grateful to the regime,such as David Mourão Ferreira, Alexandre O´Neill, Manuel Alegre etc, and set to music by Alain Oulman, a left political man.

An example of this, the Fado do “Abandono”, later renamed as the Fado de “Peniche”. This Fado speaks about the “escape of Álvaro Cunhal (a famouse portuguese communist dirigent) de Peniche (Political Prison in Portugal, in this time)” (lyrics by David Mourão Ferreira, music by Alain Oulman).

When questioned by the PIDE(political police) about “this”, Amália, “mutatis, mutandis”, replied, “slymply”, that it was about “a “lover” who abandoned his beloved”.

Alain Oulman,was borned in Lisbon, but with dual nationality (French and portuguese), linked to the political left and arrested by the PIDE (political police) in 1969.

At the time of his arrest, the PIDE tried to “learn about Amália Rodrigues' links to left-wing movements” (Visão Biografia, Amália, 2021, pages 48 to 53). It is, therefore, an injustice to link Fado to the dictatorship, with this words “Fado, Fátima (a very important Catolic Church) and Football”. Amália was the first person that inovated Fado.

The forest, behind the “cultural environment” of the “weekends” at “Cova Funda”, recreates the “paradise” where singers, paintings, gatherings, recited poems, the joy of socializing between friends from different generations, etc.
after an excellent dinner with a good wine and with the kindness of the owners, Nicolau and Palmira Oliveira, take us. As I said before, a “unique environment”. That's why I portrayed it.

Связанные темы

FadoAmigosHistória E PolíticaPassarola De Bartolomeu GusmãoBom Ambiente

Переведено автоматически
Rui Carreira nasceu em Angola. Vive em Coimbra, Portugal, desde 1974. Ainda criança começou a desenhar e pintar com paixão. Teve aulas de Desenho e Pintura Acrílica no Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra[...]

Rui Carreira nasceu em Angola. Vive em Coimbra, Portugal, desde 1974. Ainda criança começou a desenhar e pintar com paixão. Teve aulas de Desenho e Pintura Acrílica no Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra com João Dixo e Túlia Saldanha, curso de Pintura a Óleo e Desenho, em Moçambique e na CEARTE, Coimbra, aulas particulares de Pintura a Óleo com Rita Gardete (Coimbra) e Workshops com Daniel Africano (Porto). Realizou várias exposições individuais e colectivas em Coimbra, Faro, Porto, Sintra e Beira (Moçambique). Está representado em várias colecções particulares em Portugal e no estrangeiro. A sua obra destaca-se pelo uso de amarelos, azuis, verdes e vermelhos brilhantes num mundo imaginário circunscrito e criado pelo próprio. As cenas e figuras representadas criam sentimentos cómicos ou mais realistas e às vezes o espectador pode pensar que a pintura é uma "banda desenhada". "reinventar-se" é também uma das suas "imagens de marca": "Ousar arriscar" é o desafio, criar um estilo é fácil. Já passou pelo Abstracionismo monocromático, pelo Surrealismo, Realismo e outras Fases. Encara a Pintura, sempre, como um desafio e com honestidade.

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