Alyn Federico Profile Picture

Alyn Federico

North Kingstown, Rhode Island, United States
Artist (Painting, Drawing)
1953 - 2008

Marine Tassou, née en 1953, réside et travaille aux États-Unis. Artiste polyvalente, elle explore divers médiums tels que l'aérographe sur toile, l'encre, le graphite et le marqueur sur papier. Son style artistique est à la fois figuratif et illustratif, capturant avec précision les formes humaines et exprimant des narratives visuelles riches en détail et en émotion.

Depuis ses débuts, Marine Tassou a développé une fascination pour la représentation réaliste et expressive, utilisant ses compétences techniques pour créer des œuvres qui racontent des histoires et captivent le regard. Son travail artistique reflète un engagement profond envers l'exploration de la forme humaine et des thèmes narratifs, offrant ainsi au spectateur une expérience visuelle immersive et émotionnelle. Marine Tassou continue d'explorer et d'élargir ses horizons artistiques, enrichissant son œuvre par une combinaison habile de médiums et de styles.

Discover contemporary artworks by Alyn Federico, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2012 (Country of origin United States). Buy Alyn Federico's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Alyn Federico. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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Editor's Pick
Self-taught artist

7 artworks by Alyn Federico (Selection)

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Hand Airbrushed Artwork • 7 artworks

I've recently changed this gallery to more accurately depict the artwork that it contains. Most of[...]
I've recently changed this gallery to more accurately depict the artwork that it contains. Most of these pieces are as the gallery title says "Hand Airbrushed". This means no PhotoShop or any other program was used to create these pieces.

The works themselves are renderings from what consider to be some of the greatest black & white photographers of our time. Dorothea Lange, Ben Shahn, and Carl Maydens managed to capture the raw, true images that they saw. I on the other hand, did my best to recreate these photographs imbuing my own coloring and sense of depth and perspective to them.

So, in closing I would ask that you take a few moments and view some of the "original" photographs that I created my artwork from. This will have a two fold effect. First, it will give you a greater understanding of the historical impact that these photographs had. Second, It will give you a clearer understanding of just what airbrushing is. it is no longer delegated to the realm of hood murals, hot rods and t-shirts.

Oh yeah..the final two pieces in this gallery are pen & inks that simply had no where else to go.

The one of "Linda" Ronstadt though done almost forty years ago, to me, is still one of the best pieces I've done. I hope you will enjoy all of my work, but when it comes to "Linda".it's like I said before...God..could she ever sing.

Painting titled "Just Waiting" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
Just Waiting - Painting, 24x36 in ©2016 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Everyday Life, Great Depression, windows, people, raggedy men, child, sidewalk

Alyn Federico

"Just Waiting"

Airbrush on Canvas | 24x36 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Once You're Dead..t…" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
Once You're Dead..that's all there is - Painting, 40x30 in ©2011 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Airbrush, blowing hair, forlorned look, hands, face, arms, prairie, desolate, epic cloud, wedding ring, tattered clothing, wind blown hair, eyes

Alyn Federico

"Once You're Dead..that's all there is"

Airbrush | 40x30 in

Painting titled ""On the Road"" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
"On the Road" - Painting, 40x28 in ©2012 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Portrait, baby bottle, coke bottle, dirty clothes, old car, hands, hands holding key, eyeglasses, reflection in glasses, coat, coat with fur collar, hair, wavy hair, young face, tired face, dirty baby's face, mouth, dress, blonde hair

Alyn Federico

""On the Road""

Airbrush on Fabric | 40x28 in

Painting titled "The Cotton Picker" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
The Cotton Picker - Painting, 31.5x22.1 in ©2013 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Great Depression, cotton picker, black man, Ben Shahn, airbrush, black and white, 1933, old man, hands, picking bag, floorboards, ankle, white ankle socks, hat, creased face, black threadbare suit coat, worn wooden planks

Alyn Federico

"The Cotton Picker"

Airbrush on Fabric | 31.5x22.1 in

Painting titled "Delta Girl 1936" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
Delta Girl 1936 - Painting, 42x34 in ©2010 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Portrait, black & white, airbrush, rendering, young black girl, negro, wood, tattered clothes, hands, scerenic face, glass bowl, floorboards, clapboards, eyes, combed hair, walking stick, harmonica, sunlight, shadows, shading, pensive

Alyn Federico

"Delta Girl 1936"

Airbrush on Fabric | 42x34 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Brick Carrier" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Other
Brick Carrier - Painting, 38x28 in ©2013 by Alyn Federico - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Everyday Life, Airbrush rendering of a photograph from the Depression, taken by Carl Maydens, young black man, brick pallet, hat, shortsleeve shirt, defiant look, strong arms, bricks, calloused hands, epic cloud, shading, shadow

Alyn Federico

"Brick Carrier"

Other on Canvas | 38x28 in

Painting titled "The Dust Bowl" by Alyn Federico, Original Artwork, Airbrush
The Dust Bowl - Painting, 34x26 in ©2013 by Alyn Federico - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Kid, migrant mother, Dorothea Lange, airbrush, Great Depression, mother and child, Florence Owen Thompson, canvas tent, young boy, young girl, baby, desperatiom

Alyn Federico

"The Dust Bowl"

Airbrush on Fabric | 34x26 in

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