Bass Clef (2022) Schilderij door Mila Moroko

Niet Te Koop

Verkoper Mila Moroko

Fine art papier, 8x8 in

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US$ 32,37
Usage: Weblicentie
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  1471 px  

1500 px
Afmetingen van het bestand (px) 1471x1500
Gebruik wereldwijd Ja
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Recht van doorverkoop Nee
Maximaal aantal prints 0 (Zero)
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Kunstafbeelding database
This is a big size abstract art piece created in acrylic in 2022. It is a square shape work which was dedicated to music and musicians with reworked layers, revealing his unique painterly process. The work has lots of musical marks and symbols that makes it touchy and enjoyable to explore. It's contrast colours, concept, and carefully constructed[...]
This is a big size abstract art piece created in acrylic in 2022. It is a square shape work which was dedicated to music and musicians with reworked layers, revealing his unique painterly process. The work has lots of musical marks and symbols that makes it touchy and enjoyable to explore. It's contrast colours, concept, and carefully constructed design strikes a unique balance in this 32x32" artwork.
This art piece has painted edges and ready to hang. The work might be placed together and look and sound well with another one called TREBLE CLEF.

Verwante thema's

Acrylic On CanvasAbstract PaintingExpressionist ArtLettering ArtInscriptions And Signs

Automatisch vertaald
 About me: I am an artist with no formal education. After so many years working in different areas I threw off the confines of the office job and started as a full-time artist. About my works: My ideal[...]

 About me: I am an artist with no formal education. After so many years working in different areas I threw off the confines of the office job and started as a full-time artist.

About my works: My ideal media is oil. I am continuously developing my style and experimenting with brushstrokes and colours focusing on mostly textured compositions of colours and shapes.

With multiple layers of textured colours I want to reflect in my works beauty of nature and catch a balance between realistic and fantasy art.

My works are open and the viewer is involved in the creative process.

My aim: I aim to create paintings gorged with positive energy and transform my profound emotions into something beautiful and inspiring. And I dream that time to time I manage to give people something they didn’t know they are missing.

 All my paintings are ready to hang.

I am always ready to discuss a customer’s request to have my work in different size.

Thanks for looking.

Bekijk meer van Mila Moroko

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