We'll swim out (2022) Malarstwo autorstwa Margarita Malinovskaya

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Sprzedawca Margarita Malinovskaya

Papier artystyczny, 8x10 in

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108,51 USD
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Bank dzieł sztuki
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  • Wymiary Wysokość 31,5in, Szerokość 39,4in
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  • Kategorie Abstrakcyjna Wojna
The situation in the country and the world, crises and tensions, act as a powerful flood that threatens the stability and security of us and our society. This flood is intertwined with our emotional reactions - concern for the well-being of loved ones, anxiety for the future of our children and the need to survive in the existing reality However, we[...]
The situation in the country and the world, crises and tensions, act as a powerful flood that threatens the stability and security of us and our society. This flood is intertwined with our emotional reactions - concern for the well-being of loved ones, anxiety for the future of our children and the need to survive in the existing reality However, we also see symbols of resilience and hope. In the masses of people united and united in the desire to overcome difficulties, we see the manifestation of collective determination and solidarity. In this mixture of fear and willpower of people, their determination is revealed, like a figure in a painting who stretches out his hands towards the future, expressing the desire to overcome challenges and emerge victorious. This picture is about the resilience and strength needed to overcome the trials and inevitable difficulties in this rapid cycle of life and uncontrollable events that bring anxiety and uncertainty.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Margarita Malinovskaya is an artist based in Russia whose paintings have been exhibited nationally and worldwide. With her creativity she has won recognition and rave reviews both in Russia and abroad. Since[...]

Margarita Malinovskaya is an artist based in Russia whose paintings have been exhibited nationally and worldwide. With her creativity she has won recognition and rave reviews both in Russia and abroad.

Since Margarita began her creative journey, her works have been exhibited at thirteen solo exhibitions in Russia, the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, as well as at dozens of group exhibition projects. More than 100 of her works are in private collections around the world.

Margarita Malinovskaya has been a member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1994 and an Honored Teacher of Russia. Her contribution to the development of art is not limited only to works on canvas - she founded and successfully runs the children's ceramics studio "Clay Elephant" since 1973, and also taught painting and ceramics at the "Talking Colors" art school in Ann Arbor, USA.

The work of Margarita Malinovskaya is a picturesque symphony, where bold colors and powerful lines create fantastic worlds that demonstrate the harmony of the beautiful and the ordinary, deep dilemmas and contradictions, and inspire reflection on the depth of existence. Her arts are filled with secret symbols and meanings, they invite the viewer into a fascinating world full of colors and allegories.

Reviews from critics invariably emphasize the strong energy of Margarita Malinovskaya’s paintings, which attracts and lures the viewer into the structure of her author’s universe. Her paintings not only attract attention with their visual magnetism, but also envelop the viewer in a unique atmosphere and provoke them to unravel.

Painting, ceramics and graphics are the main directions of Margarita Malinovskaya’s creativity, reflecting her versatile talent and wide range of artistic interests.

Zobacz więcej od Margarita Malinovskaya

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