Cobra Фотография - Lisa Bourgeois

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33,00 $
131,00 $
272,00 $
Максимальное разрешение: 433 x 650 px
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Продано по Lisa Bourgeois

Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Эта работа является "Открытое издание" Фотография, Giclée Print / Цифровая печать
  • Размеры Доступны несколько размеров
  • Доступно несколько опор (Бумага изобразительного искусства, Тиснение по металлу, Печать на холсте)
  • Рама Обрамление доступно (Плавающая рамка + под стеклом, Рамка + Под акриловое стекло)
По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Technic Фотография Фотография относится к комбинации процессов,[...]
WELCOME! I am Native American of Spiritual Soul and Most Compassionate Heart...FIERCLY Passionate about working with At-Risk Youth Teaching Photography and Jewelry Design as Art Therapy... Transcending[...]


I am Native American of Spiritual Soul and Most Compassionate Heart...FIERCLY Passionate about working with At-Risk Youth Teaching Photography and Jewelry Design as Art Therapy... Transcending Emotions and Giving Birth to Self-Esteem...The Gift that keeps on Giving!!!

It is my desire to ignite the FLAME within our Youth by Offering Creative Outlets as a means of Internal Expression


"I'll show YOU ~ I'll get ME Behaviors

Expanding the "Lesson Plan" to include Music, Play, Exploration, Animal Husbandry, Breathing in the Ocean and getting the hands back into the Earth, Trees, Running Water, Nature. The healing that can come from these alone ~ MAJESTIC ~ to say the least.

0rganizing a Circle of Souls that have many qualities and gifts, offering our Individual and Collective service to the youth here, for those who choose to follow the call.


"The true path to fulfilment lies not in what we can attract, but in what we can give. We must be willing to look within ourselves, see what we have to offer, and learn how to offer it with love. Only then can we create for ourselves the life of our deepest dreams."
~The Deeper Secret

"I am Spirit Sailing on the Sea of Soul."
~Bella Bourgeois

I want to shed light on the Amazing "Graffiti" that is within most of my images. The Location happens to be a couple of abandoned warehouses that are called HOME to some Creative Souls. These walls became the Canvas for Expression... Transcending Emotion. Some may feel that this is a crime, however, the Artist in me, honors the place that gave comfort. The Key Biscayne Graffiti is the exception to this.

All BODY PAINTING is the Creative Expression of Mr. Brett Oncale

LOVE LOVE LOVE and more PEACE to all of us on Earth. We need it!

I am Peacefully,
Bella Bourgeois

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