My Country Emu Dreaming (2008) Pintura por Kudditji Kngwarreye

Acrílico em Tela, 70,1x51,2 in
US$ 12.090,06   US$ 10.050,06
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Esta obra é exibida em 5 coleções
An absolutely stunning painting by the renowned Australian artist Kudditji Kngwarreye. The colors in this work are absolutely amazing. His paintings have been compared to the great American abstract impressionist Mark Rothko. He uses a heavily loaded paint brush to sweep broadly across the canvas in stages, producing floating fields of[...]
An absolutely stunning painting by the renowned Australian artist Kudditji Kngwarreye.
The colors in this work are absolutely amazing.
His paintings have been compared to the great American abstract impressionist Mark Rothko. He uses a heavily loaded paint brush to sweep broadly across the canvas in stages, producing floating fields of luminous colour.
Kudditji's works have international following and he is represented in major exhibitions and galleries throughout the world.
International collectors of contemporary art recognise the mastery in his painting technique.

The painting is a typically vibrant piece by an extraordinary artist who very sadly passed away in 2017 at the age of 77.
It was painted back in 2008 when Kudditji was painting his finest works
Gallery quality
Comes with a full Certificate of Authenticity from the gallery that commissioned the work
Several photos of Kudditji creating this piece

178 cms by 130 cms approx
71 inches by 47 inches approx

A sense of immense space can be felt in the "My Country" paintings, where massive blocks of stippled colour are laid alongside each other, sometimes using only two colours, while in other paintings a quilt of juxtaposed colours produces a landscape effect.

One of Australia's most respected and collected artists who sadly passed away in January 2017 at the age of 77.

"His art spoke for itself and he needed no help by way of reflected glory from his skin sister, Emily. For international collectors of contemporary art, Kudditji quickly became an obvious addition. They saw mastery in his paint handling technique and appreciated his floating fields of luminous colour. Whilst many international visitors compared him to the great American abstract impressionist, Mark Rothko, Kudditji was totally unaware of any similarities. He was just painting his country, his Dreamings, his way".

Born around 1928, Kudditji Kngwarreye, the younger brother of the late Emily Kame Kngwarreye, had a traditional bush upbringing in the Utopia region before starting a long career as a stockman and mine worker. An Anmatyerre elder and custodian of many important Dreamings, Kudditji was inspired by the work coming out of Papunya to paint his own Dreamings, telling of the travels and law of the Emu ancestors.

Starting in 1986, his precisely dotted Emu Dreaming paintings, featuring ranks of coloured roundels and other 'hieroglyphs' on a chequered or dotted background, became sought after by major galleries in the Northern Territory. Breaking out of this style after some years, Kudditji's work became far looser and more 'abstract'. The demand for his earlier, detailed style, however, moved Kudditji to return to it, and it was only in 2003 that he began to exhibit the extraordinary, saturated colour paintings that have seen his reputation grow nationally and internationally.

The newer paintings, in fact, have several styles, and Kudditji has explored size of canvas as well as form in these intense, beautiful works. A sense of immense space can be felt in the "My Country" paintings, where massive blocks of stippled colour are laid alongside each other, sometimes using only two colours, while in other paintings a quilt of juxtaposed colours produces a landscape effect.

Kudditji Kngwarreye's works, powerful, bold and striking represent the final stage in Kudditji's evolution as an artist. His works have progressed from the restrained, meticulously executed Emu Dreaming stories to stunning bold abstracts using bold sweeping brush strokes and striking combination of colours. The works capture the very essence of Kudditji's country Utopia, Central Australia.

Like his famous older sister, Kudditji is a custodian of this country. Although both Emily and her brother developed a more abstract style in the later years, they both remained faithful to their designated Dreaming stories.

Kudditji knows this country well. He has travelled across it on foot, as a stockman and as a miner. His works capture the very essence of his traditional country ? varying from patchwork of brilliant irregular squares representing various tracts of land to sweeping horizons that reflect the wide flat horizons of the weathered desert landscape.

The most recent My Country works of Kudditji Kngwarreye have captured international attention where perhaps abstract indigenous art is more readily accepted. Most recently he was represented at the Arken Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen to huge success.

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Artista representado por Australian Contemporary Art
Kudditji Kngwarreye (1938-2017), reverenciado como um Ancião Anmatyerre e guardião de histórias significativas do Dreaming, deixou uma marca indelével no mundo da arte indígena.[...]

Kudditji Kngwarreye (1938-2017), reverenciado como um Ancião Anmatyerre e guardião de histórias significativas do Dreaming, deixou uma marca indelével no mundo da arte indígena. Uma força inovadora e colorista consumado, a jornada de Kudditji no reino da pintura começou em 1986, mais ou menos no mesmo período que sua célebre irmã mais velha, a falecida Emily Kame Kngwarreye, uma figura transformadora no Movimento Indígena de Belas Artes.

Vindo da região de Alhalkere, na remota Utopia, situada a aproximadamente 250 quilómetros a nordeste de Alice Springs, Kudditji Kngwarreye teve uma educação tradicional e uma iniciação na sua herança cultural. Apesar disso, ele se adaptou perfeitamente à civilização ocidental, embarcando em uma carreira como Stockman altamente conceituado. Suas diversas experiências também o levaram a trabalhar em minas de minério e ouro que operam na região antes de escolher a pintura como vocação.

A evolução artística de Kudditji tomou um rumo distinto em 2003, quando ele mergulhou na técnica "dump dump" ou "dump dot", que ficou famosa por sua irmã Emily. Embora a semelhança familiar na sua abordagem artística seja evidente, as criações de Kudditji, caracterizadas pelas belas, suaves e hipnotizantes paisagens de Alhalkere, são inequivocamente suas. Suas exposições individuais, especialmente na Austrália e em Londres, obtiveram ampla aceitação e aclamação.

Em suas pinturas, Kudditji retratou com maestria imagens romantizadas de seu país, capturando a essência das cores e formas da terra, a vastidão do céu e o calor cintilante do verão. Estas obras servem como testemunho do seu profundo conhecimento e profundo afeto pela sua terra natal. Sua capacidade de expressar os detalhes intrincados da paisagem revelou não apenas o olhar de um artista, mas também a conexão de um guardião com as histórias do Dreaming incrustadas na terra.

Ver mais de Kudditji Kngwarreye

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