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KAMOGAWA (2023) Pintura por Iñaki Martinez De Arbulo
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Banco de imágenes de arte-
Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind)
en Papel
- Dimensiones Altura 9,5in, Anchura 6,7in
- Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en buenas condiciones
- Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
- Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Arte oriental Paisaje de montaña
Temas relacionados
Painting for me is an act of reflection. It means starting a trip inside, a return to an original mythological silence. It is to enter a noisy silence, contemplative emptiness full of sense. My years of artistic preparation studying traditional painting in Japan (Sumi-e), made me rediscover my environment with new eyes. The combination of my solid artistic formation in the University of Seville in Spain and my research studies in the University of Tokio showed me a particular suggestive language through which I try to build an emotional bridge with an intuitive perception of the infinity. In my works there is a moment of detained contemplation, an effort to make the ephemeral permanent, to see the immobile and the immutable through the oasis of the calm reflexive contemplation. I pretend to make people feel the presence of the impalpable, of magic, of ineffable things … The technique I use in my paintings promotes transparency, glaze, the light coming from the inside of the painting. The quality of the colours that I use is essential. It is a mixed technique that includes acrylic paint together with oil painting with natural pigments. With a texture obtained with the use of different types of sand, I intend to look for an “epidermis” for the painting that is sensitive as well as vibrating at the same time. In none of my painting the human being has a place; it is not necessary; it is in the first place, always present by evocation. All in all, I pretend for my paintings to act as resonances for the engrossing vigilant spectator. My paintings want to become “figurative” spaces that tend to the Absolute. Suggestion and evocation; they try to tell without pronouncing. As Arthur Rimbaud said: “There are other worlds, but they are in this one”. Less
- Seville University of Fine Arts, Seville - Spain
- Tokio University of Fine Arts. Japanese Traditional
Painting – Sumi – E
Curriculum Vitae
- 1955 born in Vitoria-Spain
- Top graduate of Fine Arts University of Seville - Spain
- Scholarship of the Department of Culture of Japan for studies of investigation
on Traditional Japanese Painting (Sumi --e). Faculty of Fine Arts of Tokyo.
- Collective exhibition “ Spanish Painters in Japan ”.
- “The IXth International Exhibition France-Japan “ National Museum Grand
Palais of Paris.
- The second Award in the Contest XLII of Art of Alava – Spain
- The first Award in the National Award IV San Roque's City (Cadiz) Spain.
- Exhibition Gallery Luis de Jauría (Vitoria) Spain.
- Exhibition Palace Ambassadors (San Roque-Cadiz) Spain.
- The director of the School of Fine Arts of Vitoria-Spain.
- Works are in:
- Palace of Town Suso of Vitoria. Spain.
- University of Seville
- Palace of the Lázarraga (Alava) Spain
- Town Hall of Vitoria. Spain.
- San Roque's Town Hall. Spain
- House of Culture of Kamakura. Japan.
- Particular collections in France, Japan and Spain.
- Nacionalidad: ESPAÑA
- Fecha de nacimiento : 1955
- Dominios artísticos:
- Grupos: Artistas Españoles Contemporáneos