Cherub Painting : Renaissance Cherub Painting (2023) Arte digitale da Gerry Martinez

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Venduto da Gerry Martinez

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33,00 USD
131,00 USD
272,00 USD
Risoluzione massima: 8064 x 5376 px
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Venduto da Gerry Martinez

  • Quest'opera è una "Open Edition" Arte digitale, Schizzo / Stampa digitale
  • Dimensioni Diverse taglie disponibili
  • Numerosi supporti disponibili (Carta per belle arti, Stampa su metallo, Stampa su tela)
  • Incorniciatura Framing disponibile (Cornice galleggiante + sotto vetro, Frame + Sotto vetro acrilico)
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Categorie Classicismo Mitologia
Original Art Cherub Painting : Renaissance Cherub Painting Short story about The Cherub Painting In a small, quaint town nestled amidst rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, there hung a cherub painting that captivated the hearts and minds of all who gazed upon it. The painting, believed to be the work of a mysterious[...]
Original Art
Cherub Painting : Renaissance Cherub Painting

Short story about The Cherub Painting

In a small, quaint town nestled amidst rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, there hung a cherub painting that captivated the hearts and minds of all who gazed upon it. The painting, believed to be the work of a mysterious artist, was housed in the local art gallery and had become the talk of the town.

The cherub painting depicted a celestial being with delicate wings, rosy cheeks, and a mischievous smile. Its eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light, and the entire canvas seemed to emanate a sense of enchantment and wonder. People from far and wide would visit the gallery just to catch a glimpse of the cherub's ethereal beauty.

Legend had it that the painting possessed a special power, a power to grant the wishes of those who truly believed in its magic. Some dismissed the tale as mere folklore, but others whispered in hushed tones about their own encounters with the cherub's enchantment.

Among those who believed was a young girl named Bianca. She had grown up hearing stories about the cherub painting from her grandmother, who claimed that the painting had granted her the strength to overcome a difficult period in her life. Bianca's heart brimmed with hope, and she yearned for her own encounter with the cherub's magic.

Every day after school, Bianca would rush to the art gallery, her eyes shining with anticipation. She would stand before the cherub painting, gazing at its celestial form, and silently make her heartfelt wishes. She wished for her sick father to get better, for her family's financial struggles to ease, and for her father dreams of becoming an artist to come true.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but the cherub painting remained silent, seemingly unaware of Bianca's wishes. Doubt began to creep into Bianca's mind. Had she been foolish to believe in such tales? Perhaps the painting was nothing more than an ordinary work of art after all.

One gloomy winter evening, as snowflakes gently fell outside, Bianca found herself standing before the cherub painting, her spirits low. The weight of disappointment hung heavy in her heart. Just as she was about to turn away, a soft, melodic voice filled the air.

"Bianca, dear child, do not lose faith," the voice whispered, like the delicate rustling of leaves. "The magic within lies not in the painting, but within your own heart."

Startled, Bianca looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. But there was no one else in the gallery, only her and the cherub painting. Tentatively, she reached out and touched the canvas, and to her astonishment, the cherub's rosy cheeks flushed with a warm, golden light.

In that moment, Bianca understood. The power of the cherub painting was not in its ability to grant wishes, but in its ability to ignite hope and belief within those who beheld it. The painting was a mirror that reflected the depths of one's desires, and it was through that reflection that the real magic occurred.

With newfound determination, Bianca returned home and shared her revelation with her family. They embraced her words, and together, they found the strength to face their challenges head-on. Bianca's father, inspired by his daughter's unwavering faith, embarked on a journey to regain his health, and slowly but surely, their financial burdens began to lift.

Years passed, and the cherub painting continued to inspire countless souls who sought solace and encouragement. Its legacy lived on, not in the granting of wishes, but in the profound belief it instilled in those who crossed its path.

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Tradotto automaticamente
Sono Gerry Martinez, sono un artista di pittura digitale AI e fotografo di belle arti del paesaggio delle Filippine che risiede in Spagna da quasi 30 anni facendo arte in stile sotto la tecnica della pittura[...]

Sono Gerry Martinez, sono un artista di pittura digitale AI e fotografo di belle arti del paesaggio delle Filippine che risiede in Spagna da quasi 30 anni facendo arte in stile sotto la tecnica della pittura e applicando la trama specialmente il rinascimento digitale , surrealismo e arte astratta. Sono anche un fotografo di belle arti, specialmente di paesaggi e posso anche fare pittura tradizionale. Mi occupo di belle arti digitali da quando le finestre del desktop sono diventate famose.

Avevo imparato io stesso i segreti per creare arti magiche quando andavo a "rastro" un mercatino domenicale a Madrid e un vecchio mi propone di comprare un insolito compact disc che aveva in mano, era una vecchia versione di un famoso software di editing di immagini per alcune monete, l'ho comprato e l'ho imparato. Anni dopo inizio a esplorare corsi online, tutorial avanzati e manuali.

 Utilizzo una tavoletta con schermo stylus a 24 schermi per creare e impressionare le persone con la mia arte e anche un computer desktop. Creo arte attraverso il pennello digitale sotto la pittura, applicando trame, composizione di supporti misti, strumenti di intelligenza artificiale e fotografia.

La mia passione per l'arte è nata fin dalla tenera età. Sono affascinato dagli impressionanti dettagli romantici dell'arte rinascimentale e dal surrealismo affascinato dalle opere di pittori famosi come Rembrandt, Michelangelo e Salvador Dalì.

Con il progresso della tecnologia digitale, mi sono ritrovato a creare belle arti. Ho passato innumerevoli giorni e ore a scoprire complicate tecniche diverse esplorando gli incantesimi dei colori e delle trame dell'arte.

Qui, armato di un tablet con schermo digitale e di un software di arte digitale all'avanguardia, sono dentro un viaggio per esplorare i regni della condivisione, promuovendo la pixel art.

Il mio stile fonde perfettamente le tecniche classiche del periodo rinascimentale con elementi astratti, creando un'esperienza visiva unica e accattivante, imponendo la mia capacità di ritrarre emozioni e raccontare storie attraverso pennellate digitali.

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