Obra de arte original de arte tribal a la venta

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Escultura titulada "Olive wood sculpted…" por Pascal Denis Sculpture, Obra de arte original, Madera
Olive wood sculpted lamp 150523 - Escultura, 12,2x7,5 in ©2023 por Pascal Denis Sculpture - Abstract, abstract-570, Tribal, Lamp, lamba, lamshade, abajour, sculpture, heykeltıraş, decorative arts

Pascal Denis Sculpture

"Olive wood sculpted lamp 150523"

Escultura - Madera | 12,2x7,5 in

426,09 US$
Fotografía titulada "Totem Pole 1h2" por Ken Lerner, Obra de arte original, Fotografía digital
Totem Pole 1h2 - Fotografía, 50x16,3 in ©2022 por Ken Lerner - Abstract, abstract-570, Tribal, abstract, tribal, totem pole, totem, talisman, spiritual, shamanism, mystical, Native American, commemorative, ancestral, historical, icon, red, brick red, white, magical, spirits, spirit guides

Ken Lerner

"Totem Pole 1h2"

Fotografía | 50x16,3 in

1.941 US$
Escultura titulada "Papuan Skull N°2" por Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand), Obra de arte original, Hueso
Papuan Skull N°2 - Escultura, 22,8x8,7 in ©2018 por Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand) - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Tribal

Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand)

"Papuan Skull N°2"

Escultura - Hueso | 22,8x8,7 in

3.045,92 US$
Escultura titulada "Voodoo small Totem" por Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand), Obra de arte original, Hueso
Voodoo small Totem - Escultura, 32,3x11,8 in ©2019 por Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand) - Tribal Art, tribal-art-950, Tribal

Igor Gadreaud (Gad the Brand)

"Voodoo small Totem"

Escultura - Hueso | 32,3x11,8 in

3.386,81 US$


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