Improvisación en Azul (2023) Malarstwo autorstwa Enrique Pichardo

Akryl na Płótno, 59,1x78,7 in
5 726,88 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa
Sprzedawca Ilusorio
Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni
Wysyłka na całym świecie
Transakcja w 100% bezpieczna
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
Zwrot zaakceptowany 14 dni Artmajeur jest w 100% zaangażowany w zadowolenie kolekcjonerów: masz 14 dni na zwrot oryginalnego dzieła. Praca musi zostać zwrócona artyście w idealnym stanie, w oryginalnym opakowaniu. Wszystkie kwalifikujące się przedmioty mogą zostać zwrócone (chyba że zaznaczono inaczej).
Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 59,1in, Szerokość 78,7in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 20 000 USD Abstrakcyjna Abstrakcyjna
Improvisation in blue by Enrique Pichardo is one of the works that shows Maestro Pichardo's enjoyment with his canvas, where the brush takes flight with freedom and allows creation to take place with the artist's openness and enjoyment. The lines travel like a free dance across the canvas and create characters, figures full of details and[...]
Improvisation in blue by Enrique Pichardo is one of the works that shows Maestro Pichardo's enjoyment with his canvas, where the brush takes flight with freedom and allows creation to take place with the artist's openness and enjoyment. The lines travel like a free dance across the canvas and create characters, figures full of details and contrasting colors. Enrique Pichardo stands out as an exceptional artist, whose creations radiate boundless vitality and a captivating personality. His works transcend established limits, immersing themselves in mystical philosophies intertwined with a dazzling color palette. In each work, the figurative representations take on a life of their own with a touch of spontaneity and innocence inherent in childhood. Through the use of intense colors, pictorial symbols and organic shapes drawn with simplicity, Pichardo transports the viewer into an abstract universe, inviting him to connect with his childhood essence. His lines evoke tales of great artists such as Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, José Manuel Merello, Juan Gris and Albert Gleizes. Being the style of the unique master, with a mixture of everything that he defines as Naif. Pichardo's creations have received wide recognition and admiration from collectors around the world. His art has found a place in countries such as Taiwan, Spain, Portugal, the United States, and Vienna, thus expanding his influence internationally. Through various digital platforms, these masterpieces are exhibited, allowing their impact to transcend borders and reach a global audience eager for their unique creativity.

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Artysta reprezentowany przez Ilusorio
Pichardo isn't just an artist; he's a child with many years. Enrique Pichardo Egea was born in Mexico City on April 17, 1973, where he currently lives and works. He displayed a keen interest[...]

Pichardo isn't just an artist; he's a child with many years.

Enrique Pichardo Egea was born in Mexico City on April 17, 1973, where he currently lives and works. He displayed a keen interest in creation from an early age, shaping his inner world through simple artistic expressions that brought him joy.

He spent his formative years exploring different paths before returning to his childhood passion. Enrolling in the prestigious National School of Painting, Sculpture, and Printmaking, "La Esmeralda," in Mexico City, he refused to be constrained by perceived rules and bureaucracy, opting to recapture the creative innocence of his youth.

Today, the 8-year-old child within Pichardo paints with all his personality, body, mind, and soul, authentically expressing his obsessive and compulsive musical style. He represents a contemporary embodiment of Mexican expressionism, internationally celebrated for its distinctive inspirations from transformed everyday life to vibrant symbolism.

His work has been exhibited in major museums in Mexico City and around the world, captivating collectors globally. Joy and delight pervade his works, offering viewers the originality of visual art, conveying emotions that only pictorially, not linguistically, can express.

Pichardo's primarily figurative works feature magical, often whimsical figures, vibrant color tones, pictorial signs, biomorphic images, and geometric shapes, showcasing the influence of great European modern artists.

A celebration of life, an expression of jubilation, his work exudes color and joy, embodying the conviction of returning to childhood and its initial traces. There's an indescribable bond between artist, artwork, and a charismatic, captivating personality, conceived solely to celebrate the joy of being alive.

Zobacz więcej od Enrique Pichardo

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