Umberto Bottoni, the passion for conceptual art

Umberto Bottoni, the passion for conceptual art

Olimpia Gaia Martinelli | Apr 16, 2022 3 minutes read 0 comments

Umberto Bottoni's conceptual art, simple in form and rich in color, is characterized by the use of different materials, intended to convey a precise meaning...

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What made you decide to become an artist? What is your path?

My passion for art has existed since my adolescence. I first devoted myself to painting, then to sculpture, in which I found total fulfillment. Over the years, I have used different materials: wood, stone, metal, resin... often combining the different materials.

What are the 3 aspects that differentiate you from other artists?

Conceptual art, each of my works has a meaning. Simplicity of form. The cheerfulness of colors

Where does your inspiration come from?

There are many different themes, but the most common is contemporary social issues.

Tell us about the design of your works. Do you have a long preparatory work or is it spontaneous?

Most of the works are the result of an impulse, like a sudden explosion.

What do you want to show through your work?

I want to capture the aesthetic sense of the viewer and lead him to reflection.

Do you use any unusual techniques or materials in your work?

Yes, I like to work with different materials that are often used in other fields. I currently work with polyurethane, which I often combine with more common materials used in sculpture.

Do you have a favorite format? Why ?

I went from large works to small works which are more economically accessible and therefore everyone can afford to have a unique and original work.

What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

The difficulties of time, which is never enough to achieve everything I would like.

How do you work? At home, in a shared or private studio?

I work in a private studio, strictly alone and without distractions, as I experience each job as an intimate relationship.

Does your work as an artist lead you to travel a lot?

Not anymore, because times have changed and most of my sales are done online. In addition, because of the pandemic, although I participated in some exhibitions organized by daring gallery owners who were not afraid of the virus, I confess that I preferred to send my works without being present.

What is the best moment of your career?

My best moment was soon after the pandemic started, when I worked on the covid theme and won three art competitions in the span of a few months.

How do you see yourself in your work in ten years?

In 10 years, I will certainly have more time to devote to my passion and I will therefore be very busy.

What are you currently working on? Do you plan to exhibit your works in the near future?

I make small sculptures and paintings with extroflex canvases. There will soon be an exhibition in Milan.

If you could have created a famous work in the history of art, what would it be?

"Space Concept" by Lucio Fontana

If you could invite one famous artist (dead or alive) to dinner, who would it be?

Salvador Dali

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