Portuguese Street Artist Challenges Lavish Papal Visit with €500 Notes Installation

Portuguese Street Artist Challenges Lavish Papal Visit with €500 Notes Installation

Jean Dubreil | Aug 1, 2023 2 minutes read 0 comments

Portuguese street artist Bordalo II protests the costly papal visit in Portugal with an installation made of giant €500 notes, criticizing the use of public funds for the religious event. The artwork, titled "The Walk of Shame," draws attention to economic hardships and misplaced spending priorities amid the estimated €161 million expense of the visit.

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Renowned Portuguese street artist Bordalo II has taken a stand against the extravagant cost of Pope Francis's upcoming visit to Portugal with a striking installation. Using his signature style of creating animal sculptures from recycled materials, Bordalo II crafted a carpet made of blown-up €500 bills, predominantly in pink hues. This thought-provoking artwork, titled "The Walk of Shame," has been placed at the venue in Lisbon where the Pope is set to celebrate a mass next week.

The estimated €161 million ($177 million) cost of the papal visit will be covered by the Portuguese government, the city councils of Lisbon and Loures, and the Catholic Church, with the government contributing around €30 million ($33 million). Bordalo II took to Instagram to voice his criticism, questioning the use of public funds for a religious ceremony, especially in a secular state where many people struggle to meet basic needs.

The artist's protest echoes the sentiment of other public figures, such as the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, who faced backlash for budgeting €5 million for an altar for the Sunday mass. The cost was later reduced to €2.9 million due to public outcry.

The installation also draws attention to the economic challenges faced by the citizens of Lisbon, with soaring housing costs and a significant portion of the workforce earning less than €1,000 per month.

Bordalo II's artwork serves as a powerful reminder of the allocation of resources and spending priorities during the papal visit, prompting a necessary conversation about fiscal responsibility and societal needs. It highlights the need for careful consideration when investing public money, especially during times of economic hardship.

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