Paris Art Scene on Fire: Explosive Growth at Paris+ Art Basel!

Paris Art Scene on Fire: Explosive Growth at Paris+ Art Basel!

Selena Mattei | Oct 19, 2023 2 minutes read 0 comments

Despite challenging circumstances, Paris+ Art Basel's second edition is bringing excitement to the French art market, with galleries confident in showcasing masterpieces and foreign collectors showing strong interest. However, questions remain about the market's long-term growth and competitiveness compared to other global art hubs.

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Paris+ Art Basel's second edition has brought excitement to the French art market despite challenging circumstances, including a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and heightened security concerns in France. The art world continued to gather for gallery openings, including Mendes Wood DM and Hauser & Wirth's new French locations, reflecting Paris's growing importance in the international art scene.

Paris has become a desirable destination for collectors, attracting visitors from outside Europe due to its expanding roster of international galleries, private foundations, and accessible cultural spaces near renowned museums. The city's contemporary art scene is flourishing, with additional satellite fairs like Paris Internationale, Asia Now, AKAA Art & Design Fair, and Design Miami/Paris complementing the main event.

Although it's challenging for a second edition to match the hype of the first, Paris+ seems poised to make a lasting impact on the city's art scene. The galleries' confidence in showcasing masterpieces indicates a strong connection with Paris audiences and potential sales.

However, some concerns remain, such as the space constraints at the Grand Palais Ephémère and whether Paris's recent allure will translate into significant growth in the French art market, which still lags behind the UK. Parisian auction sales are more conservative than those in London, New York, or Hong Kong.

Despite these challenges, foreign galleries are increasingly coming to France to engage with French collectors, signaling a new generation of art enthusiasts building ambitious contemporary art collections.

Paris+ arrived with some controversy, displacing FIAC from its Grand Palais slot and leading to the exclusion of some French galleries from last year's event. Still, Paris+ has undeniably attracted international clients, benefiting many galleries.

The third edition of Paris+ will likely be discussed at week's end, with the event's impact on Paris's art ecosystem appearing lasting, according to art sociologist Alain Quemin.

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