Este Arte 2021 Follow

Jan 4, 2021 Jan 8, 2021

All information about Este Arte 2021 with access map, entrance fees, reservations, dates and opening times.

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WHAT WE DO At a human scale, ESTE ARTE is an international quality art fair, with strong regional roots and presenting an engaging Cultural Program. The fair brings an artistic offering that ranges from historical avant-gardes to contemporary art, generating a far-reaching[...]


At a human scale, ESTE ARTE is an international quality art fair, with strong regional roots and presenting an engaging Cultural Program. The fair brings an artistic offering that ranges from historical avant-gardes to contemporary art, generating a far-reaching art exhibition for regional and international visitors alike. The exhibitors program hosts a carefully selected group of the most prestigious contemporary art galleries. Featuring young and established galleries, the fair aims to be the place where collectors can find works of established artists as well as artists at the beginning of their career.


We support an inclusive art market’s development. We encourage exhibitors presenting artists from underrepresented minority groups, such as: ethnicity, race, religion, disability, or gender identity. Our ambition is to match the gallery with new potential art buyers and maintain connections with existing collectors.
We empower both private and institutional collections. The fair provides visitors with a chance to get to know the work of each gallery and its artists better. It is important that our visitors have access to and knowledge of the current collecting market for their area of interest, and are aware of current ethical practices and laws that may impact their collecting.
We contribute to the art field by delivering public talks, debates, scholarly conferences and publishing articles. We create a space for dialogue among artists, collectors and curators.


Art is knowledge. We believe in the intrinsic power of art and sharing knowledge. We believe in working collaboratively with everyone that is wiling to do so, we believe in affirmative action and giving opportunities to women. We aim to create a tradition of influence. We envision a cultural landmark, where the South American art system meets, exchanges ideas and thrives.

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Invitations for Este Arte 2021

Are you looking for an invitation for Este Arte 2021 ? Thanks to our partnerships with art fairs and salons around the world, Artmajeur is regularly awarded a limited number of special invitations intended for collectors and passionate art lovers. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from exclusive[...]

Are you looking for an invitation for Este Arte 2021 ? Thanks to our partnerships with art fairs and salons around the world, Artmajeur is regularly awarded a limited number of special invitations intended for collectors and passionate art lovers. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from exclusive access to major art fairs and art shows around the world thanks to Artmajeur’s limited invitations. Request your free invitation for Este Arte 2021 on Artmajeur today! NB: Invitations are generally offered in very limited quantities by art fairs and are quickly distributed. However, do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to obtain an invitation, or to inform you about the terms of access to the show.

How can I request free invitations to attend Este Arte 2021?
If you’re an art collector or enthusiast keen on exploring one of the many art fairs and shows partnered with Artmajeur Galerie worldwide, please submit your request for a free invitation. Ensure to specify the event you’re interested in attending. You can reach out through our website’s contact form or directly via email.

What happens after I submit my invitation request?
Upon receiving your request, we’ll check our current stock for available invitations for Este Arte 2021. If we have available invitations for your chosen fair or exhibition, we will directly send one to you. Should we find ourselves without an immediate invitation, we’ll reach out to the event organizers to secure additional ones.

Is receiving an invitation guaranteed after I apply?
While we have partnerships across numerous art events and endeavor to fulfill all requests, the reality is that invitations are highly limited. Consequently, we can’t promise an invitation to every applicant. Requests are honored on a "first-come, first-served" basis, and we strive to serve our community of art lovers and collectors as best as we can.

What if the invitations are all claimed?
Should we be unable to grant you an invitation due to depleted stocks, we will guide you on how to access the event, including information on purchasing tickets for Este Arte 2021. We’ll also provide details on any preferential access or discounts that might be available to our community.

How can I improve my chances of receiving an invitation?
To better your odds, we advise submitting your request promptly as invitations are distributed based on availability. Additionally, following Artmajeur Galerie on social media and subscribing to our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on invitation availability and other exclusive offers.

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