Art Expo Algarve Follow

Apr 1, 2021 Apr 4, 2021

All information about Art Expo Algarve with access map, entrance fees, reservations, dates and opening times.

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ART EXPO Algarve was founded by a group of gallery owners and curators in order to respond to the necessity of showcasing art works in the South of Portugal and Spain. After having identified the need and demand for a large scale contemporary art fair near the south coast of Portugal and Spain, ART[...]

ART EXPO Algarve was founded by a group of gallery owners and curators in order to respond to the necessity of showcasing art works in the South of Portugal and Spain. After having identified the need and demand for a large scale contemporary art fair near the south coast of Portugal and Spain, ART EXPO Algarve was born.

In 2019, ART EXPO Algarve agreed the location premises for the “Portimão Arena” and negotiated sponsorship deals with major companies in the Region, inviting artists, galleries and artists collectives from around the world to showcase their work all under the roof of the fabulous location “Portimão Arena”.

Event Program

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Invitations for Art Expo Algarve

Are you looking for an invitation for Art Expo Algarve ? Thanks to our partnerships with art fairs and salons around the world, Artmajeur is regularly awarded a limited number of special invitations intended for collectors and passionate art lovers. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from exclusive[...]

Are you looking for an invitation for Art Expo Algarve ? Thanks to our partnerships with art fairs and salons around the world, Artmajeur is regularly awarded a limited number of special invitations intended for collectors and passionate art lovers. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from exclusive access to major art fairs and art shows around the world thanks to Artmajeur’s limited invitations. Request your free invitation for Art Expo Algarve on Artmajeur today! NB: Invitations are generally offered in very limited quantities by art fairs and are quickly distributed. However, do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to obtain an invitation, or to inform you about the terms of access to the show.

How can I request free invitations to attend Art Expo Algarve?
If you’re an art collector or enthusiast keen on exploring one of the many art fairs and shows partnered with Artmajeur Galerie worldwide, please submit your request for a free invitation. Ensure to specify the event you’re interested in attending. You can reach out through our website’s contact form or directly via email.

What happens after I submit my invitation request?
Upon receiving your request, we’ll check our current stock for available invitations for Art Expo Algarve. If we have available invitations for your chosen fair or exhibition, we will directly send one to you. Should we find ourselves without an immediate invitation, we’ll reach out to the event organizers to secure additional ones.

Is receiving an invitation guaranteed after I apply?
While we have partnerships across numerous art events and endeavor to fulfill all requests, the reality is that invitations are highly limited. Consequently, we can’t promise an invitation to every applicant. Requests are honored on a "first-come, first-served" basis, and we strive to serve our community of art lovers and collectors as best as we can.

What if the invitations are all claimed?
Should we be unable to grant you an invitation due to depleted stocks, we will guide you on how to access the event, including information on purchasing tickets for Art Expo Algarve. We’ll also provide details on any preferential access or discounts that might be available to our community.

How can I improve my chances of receiving an invitation?
To better your odds, we advise submitting your request promptly as invitations are distributed based on availability. Additionally, following Artmajeur Galerie on social media and subscribing to our newsletter will keep you up-to-date on invitation availability and other exclusive offers.

Invitation request More info

Exhibitors area

Register as an exhibitor

How does the registration work? You can register as an artist or register as a gallery via the website  using the registration form. In case of acceptance by the Creative Committee you[...]

How does the registration work?

You can register as an artist or register as a gallery via the website  using the registration form. In case of acceptance by the Creative Committee you will be charged the total price of your booked space, the payment period is of 7 days. 

The Creative Committee has the task of putting together a diverse and varied exhibition with different art styles. All artists are welcome, no matter where they are in their career as artists. The focus is on the artworks and not on the career or education of the artists.

Does ART EXPO ALGARVE take a commission?

No, ART EXPO ALGARVE does not take any commission on a sale. A buyer has the option of paying for the work of art by credit card, Maestro Card, PayPal or cash. A sale on invoice is not possible. The artist receives 100% of the income. In concrete terms, this means that he/she receives exactly the amount that ART EXPO ALGARVE received after deducting the credit card or PayPal fee. Normally, the credit card and PayPal fees are approx. 2.5% of the sales price, depending on the credit card company and the country of origin of the buyer. In case of cash payment the artist receives the full amount. 

How long does it take for the artist to receive his or her credit after a sale?

The artist receives his/her credit balance within 2-3 weeks of the end of the ART EXPO ALGARVE. You can then send us your bank details. You will receive your credit by bank transfer. Cash payments are not possible.

Set-up and dismantling of your artworks?

The hanging of your artworks on your exhibition wall is possible on Wednesday 31st of March 2021 from 14:00 - 20:00 hours. We ask you to allow enough time so that you have all your artworks ready by 20:00 on Wednesday the latest. The dismantling of your exhibition wall is possible on Sunday 4th of April 2021 from 20:00 - 22:00 and Monday 5th of April 2021 from 09:00 – 12:00.

Exhibition Catalogue

Each artist/gallery/stand will be included in the exhibition catalogue. You are free to choose which works of art you want to show in the catalogue. The catalogue will be structured as follows:

We will show a copy of the catalogue at ART EXPO ALGARVE at your exhibition wall and offer it during exhibition days. 

Of course, you also have the possibility to have a more extensive catalogue designed. Please write us here

The deadline for ordering changes to the catalogue is 25th of February  2021. 

Website promotion

You will be shown as an exhibiting artist on the ART EXPO ALGARVE website and directly linked to your own website so that all website visitors can find you immediately.

Deadlines for applications: June 7, 2024 February 25, 2021


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