Naive works for sale

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Painting titled "London Cityscape, R…" by Arina Yastrebova, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Cardboard
London Cityscape, Rainy City Street Abstract, Walking Couple - Painting, 11x14.2 in ©2021 by Arina Yastrebova - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Architecture, London cityscape, london, london street, london city, night city, big ben, Rainy City, urban, england, england architecture, great britain capital, great britain, london telephone booth, red telephone booth, old town, old town street, abstract cityscape, walking couple with Umbrella, walking couple, umbrella

Arina Yastrebova

"London Cityscape, Rainy City Street Abstract, Walking Couple"

Acrylic on Cardboard | 11x14.2 in

Prints available


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