Elen Gera Profilbild

Elen Gera

Moscow, Russland
Künstler (Malerei, Zeichnungen)
Geboren in unbekanntes datum

“You immediately fall in love with the serenity and freedom of expression in color. The paintings have a distinctive style reflecting the artist’s perception of the world. I am impressed! (Emphasis added) They are thought-provoking and stimulate the imagination.” Varner, of the Varner Gallery in Paris, France.

Her art works are rare to be issued almost under the request and could be found within reputable museums, corporations, private collectors, celebrities and public officials.

Born in Moscow, Gera was a precocious child and at the age of eight she was awarded the prestigious Award of Art from Surikov Art School for starting early studies there. She studied art at Surikov School and Grem Kalinovsky’s Art Studio. Then she gradiated Financial Academy with a degree in International Business and Commerce; while continuing to maintain, develop and deepen her artist skills, paining and then she organized several art exhibitions of Russian art in Russia and abroad. Her first international and solo art exhibit was in 1994, in Italy. Other exhibitions were in Moscow, Russia; Vecenza, Venice, Bologna, Rome, Italy; Paris, France and London, England, in LA and Palm Beach, Miami in the USA. In 1999 she established GeraGallery in Moscow, sponsored by Novotel. Since then she organized several art projects and ArtBusinessSchool, she is active in Charity and in educational projects as a writer, a speech maker, a lector, an artist.
She is known as a creator of unusual and interesting art projects and art and advertising concepts. The Other Reality, The Red Invasion, Love in Colours, Sounds and Forms, "Eritis sicut Deus scientes bonum et malum" (The Old Testament), The Best Russian Artists in Paris, Point of View, The Dawn, other, devoted to 10 Testaments &Tolerance. Her art projects involve multi dimensional influence of colours, forms and sounds, united by a conceptual idea.
Her artistic mediums include watercolors, graphics, oils, acrylics, photography.
Other professional abilities include: articles and books for art students on business and marketing, art classes and lectures on art, Women in art, influential tools of perception. She speaks Engish, Italian, Russian.

Her unique ability of conceptual works and knowledge is used for the advertising and cultural projects. A consultant for ARTs, Moscow City Day and other art events scenario writer and a producer of performances and promo campaign for the advertising and event agencies, leading Publishing houses, brands, and HORECA in Russia, for example, 10th Anniversary of Le Meridian Moscow Country Club, Azbuka Vkusa, SPN Publishers, etc. The first BodyArtStudio in Russia, 2004, in Moscow, the first Art Business School, books in marketing in arts, lectures and art projects on the female role in Art and Society, Moscow Art Club with developing art classes for children and anti-stress art classes for adults, charity projects and deeds.

Here you will see some of her art works and photos from shows.

Entdecken Sie zeitgenössische Kunstwerke von Elen Gera, stöbern Sie in den neuesten Kunstwerken und kaufen Sie online. Kategorien: russische zeitgenössische künstler. Künstlerische Domänen: Malerei, Zeichnungen. Art des Kontos: Künstler , mitglied seit 2005 (Ursprungsland Russland). Kaufen Sie die neuesten Arbeiten von Elen Gera auf Artmajeur: Entdecken Sie beeindruckende Werke des zeitgenössischen Künstlers Elen Gera. Durchsuchen Sie Kunstwerke, kaufen Sie originale oder hochwertige Drucke.

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