Sculpturel chestnut tree and Dan Civa - No.S. (2017) 絵画 Dan Civa によって

ウッドのオイル, 35.4x47.2 in
プライス: 送料無料
Dan Civa が販売
お客様のレビュー (40)
発送元: タイ (木枠)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

Dan Civa が販売



最大解像度: 2047 x 1548 px

Dan Civa が販売

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, ウッドの オイル
  • 寸法 高さ 35.4in, 幅 47.2in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $20,000未満 コンセプチュアルアート 森林
In Thailand I stay in a large modern house that I have designed for me and my Thai family. It' s build in a corner of the familys chestnut plantation in a small village south to Ubon Ratchathani, near to the border for Cambodia. Here I can have a peaceful life with my friendly and tolerant Thai family. Inside and outside the house[...]
In Thailand I stay in a large modern house that I have designed for me and my Thai family. It' s build in a corner of the familys chestnut plantation in a small village south to Ubon Ratchathani, near to the border for Cambodia. Here I can have a peaceful life with my friendly and tolerant Thai family.

Inside and outside the house I have good place for creating new art works, enjoying the hundred of birds that I' ve made many bird boxes for.

Every morning I take a walk in the chestnut plantation where all my inspiration is transfered into my motifs of chestnut trees. Every tree and every branch has its own sculptural form that fascinates me. The trees are full of life and seems dancing. As a colorist, I enjoy to dress parts of these trees with my own happy colors. They make me thinking about Van Goghs olive trees in the south of france.

Chestnut is a beautiful brown hard nut inside in a hard shell. When the chestnut season start in about March, people, also children, come to pick up the chestnuts from the soil to brake off the shell. They can make good money according to how many kilo of chestnuts they manage. Sometimes children comes in the early morning, before the schooling, and pick up chestnuts before the day turning into hot weather.

Middleman persons driving around with trucks to buy the chestnuts for bringing the harvest to chestnut factories, where they produce delicate chestnuts for jam, dessert, cakes and more.


Conceptual ArtContemporary PaintingSculpturel Chestnut TreesChestnut TreesChestnut Plantation

DAN CIVA: International painter of realistic & abstract style with technique in wide-ranging, extensive pictorial subjects. Contemporary artist in 40 years. Residence in Copenhagen, Denmark and[...]

International painter of realistic & abstract style with technique in wide-ranging, extensive pictorial subjects. Contemporary artist in 40 years.
Residence in Copenhagen, Denmark and in North East Thailand .

Education - Resume of the past:
Academic Art School and Self-taught. Born 1939 in Denmark - Europe.

Before: Educated as Artistic Decorator of Window Displays 1953-1957. Special School 1958-1959 with diploma and 3 x highest grade in chromatology and theory of colour composition.

Allround Freelance Decorator and Sign Writer & Illustrator1961-1981 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Interior Designer and joinery for different lines of business. Study travels to different countries.

Privately owned gallery called "Civa Gallery" 1980-1984 and Privately owned gallery called the "Species Gallery" 1995-1999 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Emigration with family to Sri Lanka 1983-1984. Back to Denmark 1984.

Established the arrangement "Art Studio Project" from October 1988 - January 1989 with Dan Civa as organizer, exhibitor and player in zoo-cage studio with dayly, public contemplation and many visitors.
Exhibitions and Sale: Public Galleries and own galleries, Art Houses, Art Centers, Art Museums, 140 Art Accociations by Authorities, City Halls, Banks, Different Companies, Shopping Malls and other places. Accepted 22 times by Hanging Committee Exhibitions in Spring, Summer & Autumn. Also sold to many private collecters.
Established the arrangement "Art Studio Project" from October 1988 - January 1989 with Dan Civa as organizer, exhibitor and player in zoo-cage studio with dayly, public contemplation and many visitors.
Inspiration journeys: Several European countries, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore,
Hong Kong, Cambodia and African countries,
Emigration to Sri Lanka 1983-1984. Back to Denmark 1984.
Studio in Thailand since 1996
Literary activity and press: extensive articles, feature articles,
letters etc. in the dayly press and magazines since 1978 writing about genetic engineering, art and art life, outlook on life, human behaviour, psychology and other subjects in a realistic/philosophical language. Local TV and broadcast
Artist Of The Month in Digital Consciousness (Nov. 2009).
VLTV interview in Species Gallery*June 1997 > ZeiM5-AYno4 <
Weilbachs Art Encyclopedia volume 2/1994. Extract from 2 column: "Characteristic for all paintings is the strong colors and a high degree of technical perfection"

Dan Civaからもっと見る

ウッドのアクリル | 48x48 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 18.9x25.2 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 20.5x26 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 18.9x24.4 in

