HK02-The Old Small Temple (2006) Photographie par Clement Tsang

Papier d'art, 8x11 in

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33,00 $US
Usage: Licence Web
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  1083 px  

1500 px
Dimensions du fichier (px) 1083x1500
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Banque d'images artistiques
  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Photographie, Giclée / Impression numérique
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • Catégories Classicisme Religion
Photo was taken at Island of Hong Kong À propos de cette œuvre: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technique Photographie [...]
Photo was taken at Island of Hong Kong

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Hong Kong-born artist, age 70, Clement Tsang has been interested and involved in the arts and photography ever since he can remember. In early 60’s he studied Painting and Photography in Rome. However, after[...]

Hong Kong-born artist, age 70, Clement Tsang has been interested and involved in the arts and photography ever since he can remember. In early 60’s he studied Painting and Photography in Rome. However, after two years training his desire to paint seriously was not aroused until the time when he lived and worked in England for several years in order to learn western painting and photography. After that he made four profoundly inspiring trips to Europe.


After he returned to Hong Kong and where he studied and taught traditional Painting and photography for over 20 years. In 1990 he immigrated to Canada and set up Clement & Elsie Art Gallery.  As well he set up Royal Canadian Art & Music Institute in BC, Canada. Clement is a member of the Federation of Canadian Artist (AFCA), and many of his works were chosen to be displayed and awarded. Recently Clement retired and returned to Hong Kong, and continue his teaching and painting and taking photo for leisure.

Voir plus de Clement Tsang

Voir toutes les œuvres
Aquarelle sur Papier | 15x11 in
398 $US
Fusain sur Papier | 15x11 in
398 $US
Impressions disponibles
Acrylique sur Toile | 20x16 in
747 $US
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Huile sur Toile | 16x20 in
1 226 $US
Impressions disponibles


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