Perseus made of the golden rain (2024) Escultura por Andreas Loeschner-Gornau

Escultura - Bronze, 11,8x5,5 in
US$ 530,77
Preço: Envio Grátis
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Technology and material: Ceramic, patina, acrylic - The sculpture is galvanically coated with copper and then chemically patinated. Perseus in Greek mythology the son of Zeus and Danaë. Acrisius, the king of Argos, is prophesied that a son from his daughter Danaë would be his downfall. That's why he locks Danaë in[...]
Technology and material:
Ceramic, patina, acrylic - The sculpture is galvanically coated with copper and then chemically patinated.

Perseus in Greek mythology the son of Zeus and Danaë.
Acrisius, the king of Argos, is prophesied that a son from his daughter Danaë would be his downfall.
That's why he locks Danaë in the palace cellar with a wet nurse and has it guarded by bloodthirsty dogs.
Zeus fertilizes the sleeping woman as a shower of gold, whereupon Perseus is born.
With the birth of Perseus, Akrisius is now faced with the dilemma of what to do with them both.
Although he loves his daughter, he will have to fear his grandson all the more because his first attempt to escape fate has failed - in a way that he cannot understand.
He therefore locks Danaë and Perseus in a box and sets them out at sea.
However, with the help of Poseidon, Zeus prevents both of them from perishing.
When Danaë and Perseus wash ashore on Seriphos, an island in the Cyclades, Diktys, the brother of King Polydectes, finds them and takes them in.
Diktys is referred to as a fisherman, and in some versions of the myth also as a boatman or shepherd.
King Polydectes begins to stalk Danaë, but Diktys and later also the adolescent Perseus know how to protect her.
Therefore, King Polydectes tries to get rid of Perseus by demanding that he bring him the head of the Gorgon Medusa, which turns anyone who sees it to stone.
Pallas Athena appears to Perseus and gives him a shiny shield capable of reflecting a reflection. In doing so, she shows him a way not to look the danger directly in the eye.
He also has to visit Medusa's sisters, the Graien, the daughters of Phorkys, to find out where the Gorgon is.
When Perseus arrives, they are all asleep. Their heads have snakes instead of hair, and anyone who looks directly at them immediately turns to stone.
He approaches Medusa by looking into the shield of the goddess Athena, cuts off her head under the leadership of Pallas Athena and catches it in the nymphs' cloak pouch.
From the bleeding wound of the headless Medusa emerge Pegasus, a winged steed, and a giant named Chrysaor, both creatures of Poseidon.
With the help of the invisibility cloak and the flying sandals, he escapes and is thrown over many areas by winds and rain clouds.
Finally he sits down in the kingdom of King Atlas to rest and ask him for shelter.
But Atlas fears for his possessions and pushes the hero away.
This angers Perseus so much that he shows Atlas the head of Medusa, whereupon he immediately freezes into the stone that today forms the Atlas Mountains.

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Ver mais de Andreas Loeschner-Gornau

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