The small forest pond (2020) Dibujo por Albert Safiullin

Pastel en Papel, 14,2x18,9 in
571 US$
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Papel de bellas artes, 8x10 in

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40,00 US$
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  1141 px  

1500 px
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Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Dibujo, Pastel / Oleo en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 14,2in, Anchura 18,9in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Dibujos menos de 1.000 US$ Impresionismo Bosque
Sennelier oil pastels on black paper, 36x48, 2020 This work has a long history. A small forest pond is located right on the busy road - Kievskoe highway in the area of ​​60 kilometers towards Moscow. For many years, from April to October, we have been standing in a kilometer Sunday traffic jam in front of a traffic light in the village[...]
Sennelier oil pastels on black paper, 36x48, 2020

This work has a long history. A small forest pond is located right on the busy road - Kievskoe highway in the area of ​​60 kilometers towards Moscow. For many years, from April to October, we have been standing in a kilometer Sunday traffic jam in front of a traffic light in the village of Yakovlevskoye and each time we rebuild ourselves to the far right lane in advance in order to slowly and with pleasure look out of the car window at our small nameless pond 20 meters to the right. We never stopped to approach its shores - this is not allowed by the high-speed route.

The pond is surrounded by tall dense fir trees and in the middle of the day it is in deep shade, sharply contrasting with its impenetrable black surface with the blue sky and sunlit birches. This roadside forest landscape at different times of the year and in different weather each time reveals itself to us in a new guise and deserves a whole series of impressions in the style of Claude Monet. I decided to start with the option - noon on a cloudy July day.

Earlier I tried to capture an overgrown forest pond with oil pastels and decided that I needed to repeat this peculiar and difficult way of multi-layered mixing of colors on paper. Fortunately, this time there was black paper at hand and did not have to stubbornly cover most of the surface of the sheet with black.
Oil pastels with darker shades often become undesirable matte when mixed with lighter colors, but this time it played a plus. Due to this effect, the surface of the water at the lateral angle of view is as if covered with duckweed, and if you look at it from the right angle of view, the water becomes transparent black.

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Albert Safiullin is a self-taught European artist, has been engaged in landscape painting since 2013. He paints in oils and draws with oil pastels, enjoys landscape photography. The artist's works were[...]

Albert Safiullin is a self-taught European artist, has been engaged in landscape painting since 2013. He paints in oils and draws with oil pastels, enjoys landscape photography. The artist's works were purchased by collectors from the USA, Spain and Great Britain.


«Painting for me is a window into a world in which taste and harmony reign, a world of bold experiments coexisting with a sense of proportion. A world in which there is a right to choose, here you yourself constantly choose alternatives and yourself determine the course of events.
Paints, canvas and easel are only attributes, and the foundation of landscape painting is the desire to see, the willingness to notice, to be able to observe, the desire to contemplate in solitude and at the same time a passionate desire to convey your impressions to others. The ability to be surprised usually leads to a desire to surprise.

The painting process is fascinating. The initial chaos of colored spots on the canvas suddenly takes on meaning and outlines. One random stroke changes everything unpredictably. Simple - imperceptibly becomes complex, the parts gradually add up to a whole. Time flies by - it's a real passion! It's hard to know when to stop - the feeling of flow. I study again and experience the unspeakable pleasure of free creativity...»

Ver más de Albert Safiullin

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659 US$
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