Reflections (2020) Malarstwo autorstwa Adnan Avni

Olej na Płótno, 47,2x39,4 in
51 186,66 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa
Sprzedawca D.
Wysłano z: Turcja (Rura) Statki w promieniu 2 dni
Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni
Wysyłka na całym świecie
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  • Czas Dostawa na cały świat w ciągu 3 do 7 dni (Oszacować)
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
Zwrot zaakceptowany 14 dni Artmajeur jest w 100% zaangażowany w zadowolenie kolekcjonerów: masz 14 dni na zwrot oryginalnego dzieła. Praca musi zostać zwrócona artyście w idealnym stanie, w oryginalnym opakowaniu. Wszystkie kwalifikujące się przedmioty mogą zostać zwrócone (chyba że zaznaczono inaczej).
Kup wydruk

Ten wydruk jest dostępny w kilku rozmiarach.

26,92 USD
46,30 USD
100,14 USD
Opinie klientów Doskonały
Artyści otrzymują wynagrodzenie za każdą sprzedaż

Sprzedawca D.

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Ta grafika pojawia się w 3 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Olej na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 47,2in, Szerokość 39,4in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy z 20 000 USD Ekspresjonizm Miasto
From the exhibition; SPADIUM “Between two worlds…” “Life is not the opposite of death. The opposite of death is birth. Life is holistic and eternal, it has no opposite.” [...]
From the exhibition;

“Between two worlds…”

“Life is not the opposite of death. The opposite of death is birth. Life is holistic and eternal, it has no opposite.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Man who was born defenseless to this world, comprehended, interpreted, named and came to know his new environment as he discovered it. As he piled up its meanings and definitions, in time, he became equipped against external threats and built up cities to provide his security. Yet, the walls he built up between himself and the external world caused him to disconnect from his authentic nature.

As man adapted himself to this artificial environment that he himself created, he transformed into a mechanical being. Complicating his thoughts through his mind detached him from his intuitions and condemned him to lead a life full of anxiety, fear and desperation. He forgot that he has to face himself, in other words, he forgot that he has to face life. The fact that he could leave his comfort zone to face the unknown didn’t occur to him. Monotonous lives and personal stories all similar to one another killed diversity and transformed civilization into a vast cemetery. Man could not realize that as he was running after simple daily interests, he actually was destroying his own reality and he imprisoned himself into “city-coffins” difficult to come out of. As he didn’t know he was approaching his death, he couldn’t intent to be reborn.

In many mythological tales, the crow is the guide of souls which are stuck between two worlds, unaware of their death. The crow, through its wit and wisdom, reminds the man the necessity to recreate his own reality and builds a bridge between life and death. The walls of civilization that exclude the nature and the intuitions cannot impede it. The crow infiltrates the city, but is never tamed.

The man that confronts himself under the guidance of the crow would pass through an inner questioning about if he is living his life properly or not. This confrontation, reflection and meditation ground where Self is recalled and where life experiences are analyzed and conceived is called Spadium. The crow is the metaphorical guide of Spadium which is the state of consciousness between life and death and represents a holistic perception where its perspective is widened as consciousness improves.

The soul which is rehabilitated in Spadium will be able to reach the maturity sufficient to conceive his real existence, will be able to praise the degree of his gains and losses only when he will be able to look upon his life from above. Unless he changes his point of view, his only choice will be to lead his existence inside the coffin he himself created forever. Because in Spadium, there is no time.

Try to look down through a crow’s eyes; the story will shape up with all its clarity.

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Artysta reprezentowany przez D.
Adnan Avni was born in Istanbul in 1962. He studied industrial design and various other subjects at Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Fine Arts. In close relations with the family-owned printing house, he grew[...]

Adnan Avni was born in Istanbul in 1962. He studied industrial design and various other subjects at Mimar Sinan University Faculty of Fine Arts. In close relations with the family-owned printing house, he grew a successful business in the advertising industry.  In 1995, following his realization that the human way of life was shaped through fear and against human nature, he renounced the routines of his professional life and set out on a life more in contact with nature, away from the cities where humanity imprisoned itself in. Intrigued by his deep passion to experience the secrets of existence, he started on a journey of self-discovery with the intent to liberate his Self from the routines created by the collective consciousness and to attain his own specific definition of freedom.   With the inspiration that comes through being in close contact with nature, he focused on his craft and his designs. He realized that the sketches he continuously drew in his notebook which he always carries around were the unconscious reflections of his intent towards life and started making paintings based on these sketches.  Since 2015, he is living in the village of Mesudiye in Datça, Muğla in the southwestern district of Turkey with which he had forged strong bonds since his youth, where he observes the cities that gradually lose their ability to create a civilization from a distance and transmits his feelings and impressions through his works on canvas and on paper.

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