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Abstact Paintings

Back to list Added Dec 6, 2009

About Vietnamese Lacquer

1. History

Originally lacquer is a folk art. First used to decorate the tables and gilded statues and pagodas, the lacquer has found in craft usual common use (screens, chests, trays, vases, chess sets ...). The study of technology lacquer began in 1930 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts Indochine . Now, students and artists were able to exploit and develop the lacquer to achieve their painting. For many years, this process of lacquer work was kept as a national secret.

2. The material

The product called "lacquer" is composed of a milky juice, extract the laker, a tree commonly especially in mountainous and mineral powders to create different colors. By adding a few natural products, the milk becomes resin.

Resins and colors

Resin raw, natural, brown, is taken directly from the laker. It constitutes the essential basis of color mixture and used as a varnish.

Resin fired, is obtained using a spatula iron. She was beaten in an iron skillet to produce a chemical reaction (oxidation) and then used as black.

Other colors are mainly mineral powders, some are unsuitable due to oxidation always possible resin. Dominant lines are warm color. Can also be used, gluing or dusting of gold leaf and silver beaten egg shells, powdered pearl, shells etc ...


(in Vietnamese: voc) is manufactured by a few specialized craftsmen. It consists of a slab of wood covered with several layers of resin, mixed with sawdust and cotton. Support, and manufactured, must resist the various possible deformations (temperature, high humidity). After sanding, this support must provide a smooth perfect. It is always black, ready for painting.

3. Technique

What characterizes the art of lacquer, is the application of several layers of color, dried in the damp. Subsequently, with the sanding, it is possible to show different shapes and colors. At this level, that chance and improvisation play a role, giving unforeseen effects. The artist may continue to play these phenomena by creating as many as they wish. Thus, the lacquer is a vast field of research and creation.

Applying layers of color
It is necessary for layering. Complete drying of the previous layer (in humidity) is essential before proceeding with the implementation, after sanding, following layers.

Using sandpaper, the layers are sanded dry or in tap water, preferably.

The inlay
Whites are obtained essentially by inlaid eggshell in creating a bright white. Can also use sheets of gold or silver as undercoats or last layer, to give the effect of high brightness in the painting.

It is possible to give an extra shine by applying a layer of resin raw, like varnish, serving both to protect and give more depth to the painting. The chart can also be left in the rough or rubbed and smoothed with the palm of the hand the choice of the artist.

Today, each artist can use modern playing with the processes and traditional materials. Like all art, lacquer work does create and allows for spontaneity, always enthusiastic. The time spent by the artist, several applications, drying, sanding, inlays incomparable natural materials, quality of work required, give the lake a character "precious" recognized and respected in the world


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