Mind Emancipation (2024) 绘画 由 Timothy Olaniyi

丙烯在帆布上, 24x24 in
价格: 免费送货
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卖家 Timothy Olaniyi



最大分辨率: 4096 x 4096 px

卖家 Timothy Olaniyi

The concept of colour,race,and inequality is the concept of the mind caused by the general norms of a society,nation or world at large .The general norms of the world that place us Africans in a certain level of inferiority is not the major factor The mind inability to restrict this norms and accepting it based on the physical features.this[...]
The concept of colour,race,and inequality is the concept of the mind caused by the general norms of a society,nation or world at large .The general norms of the world that place us Africans in a certain level of inferiority is not the major factor

The mind inability to restrict this norms and accepting it based on the physical features.this physical features has therefore caged the mind the mind to retain the weakness that norms has associated to the physical features

The mind therefore need to be emancipated for it to see the strength that lies within the physical property and pride that ought to be derived from it beauty



Olaniyi Timothy is a passionate artist that was born in September 25 2003 hailing from the western part of Nigeria, specifically Oyo in Oyo State. His love for art was ignited at a young age, inspired by his[...]

Olaniyi Timothy is a passionate artist that was born in September 25 2003 hailing from the western part of Nigeria, specifically Oyo in Oyo State. His love for art was ignited at a young age, inspired by his elder sister who was a talented artist herself. Watching her create sparked a deep connection to the world of art, and he began to hone his own skills through dedicated practice and exploration.

In pursuit of furthering his artistic education, Olaniyi apprenticed under Mr. Afolabi Oluwafemi, where he learned foundational techniques that would serve as the building blocks for his own unique style and he his currently a student of prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University where he is pursuing his degree in fine and applied Education to horn and have more knowledge in Art. Working primarily with acrylic on canvas, he utilizes impasto realism in his portraiture, capturing the depth and resilience of African skin in the face of adversity. This serves as a powerful symbol of the ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger, a central motif in his artwork.

His art is deeply inspired by scripture, conveying messages of hope, inspiration, and past reflection. Through his work, Olaniyi aims to instill a sense of empowerment and encourage viewers to see themselves in a divine light, inspiring them to pursue a brighter future.

Passionate about using art as a means of storytelling and connecting with others on a deeper level, Olaniyi's hope is that his art will resonate with individuals, serving as a source of inspiration and empowerment. His desire is to create art that is not only visually captivating but also carries a profound message, making it suitable for art galleries and collectors who seek pieces that are both aesthetically striking and emotionally resonant.

With a strong foundation in art and a commitment to conveying meaningful messages through his work, Olaniyi Timothy is dedicated to making a significant impact in the art world and the lives of those who interact with his creations. His art serves as a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit, offering a source of inspiration and empowerment for all who engage with it. He can be further reached with the following functioning link 

Instagram: @olaniyi__timothy 

WhatsApp and phone no. :  +2347037625592

Facebook: Olaniyi Timothy

查看更多的Timothy Olaniyi

丙烯在帆布上 | 36x24 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 24x18 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 48x36 in
丙烯在帆布上 | 36x24 in

